Pearson's proposed approach to awarding vocational and technical results in Summer 2020 | Pearson qualifications

Pearson's proposed approach to awarding vocational and technical results in Summer 2020

1 May 2020

Dear Colleague,

Following our communication about the publication of the Ofqual consultation and their advice on the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other general qualifications on 24 April, we have produced a document to summarise our proposal for Pearson qualifications which fall into the scope of the consultation (PDF, 266.21KB).  The information in the table will help you to consider what this means for you and your learners.  Please do note that this information is subject to the outcomes of the consultation and any further directions from Ofqual and the Secretary of State. 

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Formal assessment requirements

We have confirmed for BTEC Level 3 Nationals, BTEC Level 1 and 2 Firsts and Tech Awards, where we expect to be able to provide calculated results, we do not require or expect any formal assessment for BTEC to take place while learners are studying at home.  We expect to collect centre assessment grades from teachers and tutors for any incomplete work for all learners and these judgements will be used in the calculation of a final result where relevant.

Supporting teaching and learning

Whilst not a requirement we are encouraging and supporting continued learning at home during this time, so when learners return to school or college, progress to HE, an apprenticeship, or work, they have the knowledge and skills they need to continue with confidence.  We also recognise the benefits that learning and a structured day have on general health and wellbeing and we want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to best support you and your learners at this time.

If you have feedback on our proposal for Pearson qualifications which fall into the scope of the consultation you can contact us here. We will be providing more detailed guidance and running online events to support you in the coming days and weeks. 

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time. We will continue to keep you updated.

Best wishes,

Cindy Rampersaud
Senior Vice President, BTEC and Apprenticeships


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