Consultation on the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other general qualifications | Pearson qualifications

Consultation on the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other general qualifications

Fri Apr 24 11:34:00 UTC 2020

Dear Colleague,

Following our 9 April update about the Ofqual announcement that calculated results will be issued in the summer for vocational, technical and other general qualifications that lead to further or higher education, Ofqual has today published its consultation on how these qualifications will be graded and awarded.

Read more

The consultation covers many of Pearson’s qualifications, including the BTEC Level 3 Nationals, BTEC Level 1 and 2 Firsts and Tech Awards, BTEC HNC/HND, Functional Skills (legacy version of Maths and English will be extended to 31 December 2020), Core Maths and competency-based qualifications. End Point Assessments are not covered by the consultation, although qualifications taken as part of an apprenticeship will be.
This is an opportunity for your college to input into this important consultation and express your views on the proposal for awarding grades for vocational, technical and other general qualifications this Summer. The deadline to respond to the Ofqual consultation is 8 May 11.45pm.

As previously mentioned, the Ofqual consultation for General Qualifications, including GCSEs, A levels and the Extended Project Qualification is also open until 11.45pm on 29 April 2020.

Our priority remains to help learners progress to the next stage in their lives, and we will endeavour to award to as many learners as possible within the Ofqual guidelines. Please see our updated FAQs for vocational and technical qualifications.

We want to make sure that we are doing everything we can to best support you and your learners at this time. Our website is updated daily with the latest news, advice and guidance and our free online resource offers to enable learning to continue for the rest of the academic year. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact your Curriculum Development Manager or be directed to them via our FE centre support team on 0845 373 0114 or our our website.

Thank you for your patience during this unprecedented time. We will continue to keep you updated.

Best wishes,

Cindy Rampersaud
Senior Vice President, BTEC and Apprenticeships


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