New careers area on relaunched Pearson UK website | Pearson qualifications

New careers area on relaunched Pearson UK website

24 March 2016

The new Pearson UK website has a dedicated careers section that aims to support your students in their career choices.

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Whether you’re delivering formal careers lessons or offering informal advice and information, you’ll find our career choices pages a useful resource.

As a starting point, why not point your students in the direction of our careers interests quiz? It’s a great way for them to get ideas for careers areas they might want to explore further.

Students who know roughly what area they want to work in and want to explore further can delve into our career sector pages. Each sector has a skills match quiz to help students identify possible directions that are right for them, and they can also:

  • get an idea of the kinds of jobs available
  • find practical information, such as working conditions
  • find out roughly what they can expect to earn
  • read case studies from employers and employees to find out what working life is really like in that sector
  • get useful links to help them research the area further.

Explore the career choices pages

Resources for careers teachers

If you're teaching careers lessons to years 8-11, we have classroom resources to help you, too.

Get resources for careers lessons


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