BTEC Assessment update | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Assessment update

23 March 2020

Understandably, the announcement that examinations would not take place this May and June, after a culmination of many hard months and years of learning and study, will be a huge disappointment for many students. For BTEC, this means that all timetabled and task-based external assessments in May and June will be cancelled in line with the UK Government's announcement. 

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A strength of the BTEC qualification is that it is modular and recognises the progress of learners through their programme with a balance of teacher-led, verification-led and external assessments to support the awarding of outcomes.

For our BTEC vocational qualifications, we are confident we can award grades to learners finishing this academic year - supporting learners to progress, recognising their learning and hard work - that is our priority and commitment to learners and teachers. 

Many of you have been in touch with us since the announcements last week asking for confirmation of how grades will be awarded for BTEC, and whilst we work with other Awarding Organisations and Ofqual to understand this, we have decided to pause all BTEC standards verification activity. 

We recognise that centres will have many questions over the coming days and weeks that you will need answers to.  We may not have all the answers to hand now but please be assured that we are working through the details including collaborating closely with the Department for Education and Ofqual to resolve queries and we are continually updating our FAQ page as we get more clarity.

Thank you for your patience during these unprecedented and uncertain times. We will continue to keep you updated.


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