Get ready for the new term | Pearson qualifications

Get ready for the new term with Functional Skills onscreen, on-demand testing

Thu Jul 18 23:00:00 UTC 2013

With summer upon us, now is a good time to check that you have everything in place to deliver onscreen, on-demand testing in the new academic year. 

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1. Ensure that you have all of the relevant software in place, that it is up to date and that you have access to it:

To run our onscreen tests, administrators' computers need to have at least version 8 of Flash installed.

The person logged in to this computer also needs Full Control Access to the Promissor folder in program files (where the software is installed) and to the shared folder where the tests are stored.

2. Ensure that the Enterprise SiteManager and Administrator are working properly – run a test demo:

You can book a demo test at Log in, then follow the instructions in the 'How to book and run a demo test' guidance on the onscreen testing support documents page.

3. Check that the candidates you have registered for onscreen tests are still ‘live’:

Booking tests is a lot quicker when you don’t have to search through records of learners who have already achieved the qualification or left your organisation.

Check that learners don’t have more than one registration, and withdraw any duplicate registrations.

See our full Onscreen Testing Troubleshooting Guide here.

Contact us

If you have any other queries about Functional Skills onscreen, on-demand tests, get in touch with our Customer Support team:


Or call:

Exams officers and Quality Nominees: 0844 463 2535

English practitioners: 0844 372 2188

Mathematics practitioners: 0844 463 2931.


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