New training events and materials available for ESOL | Pearson qualifications

New training events and materials available for ESOL

Tue Jul 07 13:00:00 UTC 2015

We have arranged three new face-to-face ‘Getting Started with ESOL’ training events for the 2015 autumn term.

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Event Code






Getting started with QCF ESOL Skills for Life

14 September 2015


10.00 - 15.30


Getting started with QCF ESOL Skills for Life

12 October 2015


10.00 - 15.30


Getting started with QCF ESOL Skills for Life

12 November 2015


10.00 - 15.30

Please note that these events will be very similar to the launch events that were held during the 2014/15 autumn and spring terms. There will be further, more focused training events made available at a later date.

Book your place

Updated sample assessment materials

New versions of the SAMs have now been uploaded to the ESOL pages. These SAMs include the new style of mark sheet that are now in use.  

Reminder: Final Certification date for NQF ESOL

The final assessment date for the NQF version of ESOL was Friday 17 July. Any outstanding claims for certification must be made by Monday 31 August.


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