GCSE Psychology consultations now open | Pearson qualifications

GCSE Psychology consultations now open

21 July 2015

GCSE Psychology qualifications will be redeveloped for first teaching from September 2017. The consultations on the subject criteria and assessment objectives are now open. 

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The consultations propose that:

  • there are five compulsory topic areas that all students will have to study

  • there is a choice of six optional topic areas, of which students will have to study two

  • there are specific theories listed for each topic area

  • the study of research methods must make up 20% of the qualification, of which 10% must be mathematical content.

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The DfE is consulting on the subject content, and Ofqual is consulting on the amount of non-examined assessment and the assessment objectives.

You can find details of the consultations, including the content and assessment for GCSE Psychology, as well as how you can respond, on the DfE and Ofqual websites:

DfE consultation on subject content

Ofqual consultation on assessment arrangements



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