COVID-19 support: free online GCSE Science lessons | Pearson qualifications

COVID-19 support: free online GCSE Science lessons

19 May 2020

As we continue to support science teaching and learning during COVID-19, we’re launching a brand-new series of free online GCSE Science lessons that will be broadcasting from the Pearson UK Learning YouTube channel from 5 June 2020.

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What's happening and when?

To help all GCSE-level students continue to engage with science learning, our lessons will be taught by Primrose Kitten, an experienced science teacher with a passion for helping students to achieve their best.

The 45-minute online lessons are open to individual students and classes alike. There’ll be one lesson each week that focusess on different topics and tailors to the various stages of science learning. The lessons will also showcase how to use science to explore the world.

Our online lessons will be on Fridays each week, and the timetable is as follows:

Date Time (GMT) Lesson
Friday 5 June 11:00 - 11:45 am Osmosis: Primrose Kitten will show an example of osmosis in action and take you through how to answer some tricky exam questions on this topic.
Friday 12 June 11:00 - 11:45 am Enzymes: Enzymes are used in a wide number of biology systems and the mechanism is really important to get correct. Primrose Kitten will take you through the lock and key mechanism and some perfect answers. 
Friday 19 June 11:00 - 11:45 am Atomic structure and the Periodic table: Understanding the periodic table will unlock large sections of chemistry. Primrose Kitten will take you through how to unlock its meaning and relating it to atomic structure. 
Friday 26 June 11:00 - 11:45 am Ionic and Covalent bonding: Primrose kitten will take you through drawing ionic and convent bonding examples that you need to learn for your exam and explain how to answer long-form questions on this topic.
Friday 3 July 11:00 - 11:45 am Types of energy and energy transfers: Energy transfers and energy stores are a wide-ranging topic at GCSE. In this lesson, Primrose Kitten will take you through the different types and how to answer exam questions on this topic.
Friday 10 July 11:00 - 11:45 am
Production of energy: The different ways electricity can be produced in a renewable or a non-renewable manner each have their own advantages and disadvantages, here Primrose Kitten will take you through each of these. 

Want to join the lessons or share them with your class?

To watch our lessons, all you need to do is visit our Pearson UK Learning YouTube channel to join the live streams or watch recordings of the sessions. 

Visit Pearson UK Learning YouTube channel



Everyone studying GCSE-level science is welcome to join our lessons, whether you’re taking the course at school, college or remotely. The sessions are for different stages of learning – whether you’re partway through the course or close to completing it.   

While the online lessons have been developed as free qualification support by the Pearson Edexcel Science Team in collaboration with Primrose Kitten, the content is not specific to any exam board, so anyone studying GCSE Science can join and learn about science at work in the real world. 

Primrose Kitten is an experienced science teacher, YouTuber, and author with a passion for helping students to achieve their best. She produces online resources, videos and books to support students with revision and exam preparation.

The easiest way to watch the lessons is to visit Pearson UK Learning on YouTube to join the live streams or watch recordings of the sessions.

The online lessons are one of many excellent ways to motivate and engage students with GCSE-level science while schools are closed due to COVID-19. While parents may find the lessons a useful way to include science into their child(ren)’s studying, they should follow the advice of their child(ren)’s school. 

Some of the lessons are divided into multiple parts to ensure that there’s enough time to cover each concept and make the most of the 45-minute session without cramming in too much information. 

We’d love you to join all our lessons but if you can’t make a lesson when its being livestreamed, they’re being recorded and posted on our Pearson UK Learning YouTube channel so you can watch them at a time that best suits you. 


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