Withdrawal of Edexcel Certificate qualifications after summer 2016 | Pearson qualifications

Withdrawal of Edexcel Certificate qualifications after summer 2016

Mon May 11 13:10:00 UTC 2015

We're withdrawing all our Edexcel Certificate English qualifications after the summer 2016 exam series. 

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In January 2015, the DfE confirmed that only the reformed GCSEs will count in performance tables from summer 2017. Subsequently, Nick Gibb (Minister of State for School Reform) announced that it won’t be possible to redevelop the current Level 1/Level 2 Certificates in English Language and English Literature for inclusion in performance tables from 2017 onwards.

Once the Edexcel Certificates no longer count in performance measures, they will also cease to attract funding. As a result, the qualifications can no longer be offered to schools. We are therefore withdrawing all our Edexcel Certificate English qualifications after the summer 2016 exam series.

See the letter below for more information and details of the ways in which we can support you.

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