Withdrawal and redevelopment of BTEC Nationals in Music | Pearson qualifications

Withdrawal and redevelopment of BTEC Nationals in Music

Mon Feb 29 00:00:00 UTC 2016

After listening to your feedback, we have taken the decision to withdraw the new BTEC Nationals in Music. This means that these new qualifications will now not be available for first teaching in September 2016.

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We've begun work on a new suite of BTEC National qualifications in Music which will be available for first teaching in 2017.

Why are you withdrawing the qualifications?

We've been listening to feedback from teaching professionals and the concerns you have expressed about the suitability of some of the units in the new qualifications. We considered a number of options for changes to content, and have decided that we need to withdraw the new BTEC Nationals in Music and redevelop a new suite of qualifications.

What will the new qualifications contain, and when will they be available?

We welcome your views on the content and focus of the new suite, which we intend to make available for first teaching in 2017.

The new qualifications will incorporate your feedback around the need for a greater focus on solo and ensemble performance, coupled with essential theory.

If you would to contribute to the development of the new music qualifications, please do get in touch with our Business Manager for Music at: amanda.annis@pearson.com

Can we continue to teach the BTEC Nationals in Music (2010)?

You can continue to teach the BTEC Nationals in Music (2010), although you the current qualifications are not eligible for post-16 performance measures (2018 results).

Are the BTEC Nationals in Music Technology affected?

No. The BTEC Nationals in Music Technology (2016) suite is not affected by the withdrawal of the BTEC National in Music qualifications.

I had expressed an interest in a Getting Ready to Teach event. Will these still be going ahead?

In light of the withdrawal, the events for Music will not go ahead, although those for Music Technology will. We will announce dates for these shortly.

Here to help

If you’d like to discuss what this means for you and your students, please can get in touch.


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