Withdrawal of BTEC Level 3 Nationals in CPLD (2012) | Pearson qualifications

Withdrawal of BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Childrens Play, Learning and Development (2012)

26 November 2013

We’re withdrawing and redeveloping some BTEC Level 3 Childcare qualifications in response to the recent government consultation on early years education. Find out what this means for you and your learners. 

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The consultation called for a change in the criteria for BTEC Level 3 Childcare qualifications in England. Now all awarding organisations will need to redevelop these qualifications for first teaching from September 2014, to meet the new Early Years Educator (EYE) criteria.

Introduction of Early Years Educator (EYE) qualifications

We’re in the process of developing our own 'new next generation' BTEC Nationals, which will include EYE-compliant qualifications.

What is the impact of the new Early Years Educator qualification on your existing BTEC provision?

Subject to Ofqual accreditation, the new BTEC Nationals (including the EYE-compliant sizes) will be available for first teaching in September 2014. We have therefore decided to withdraw the existing versions of the next generation BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Children’s Play, Learning and Development (CPLD) for teaching in England from 31 August 2014.

The qualifications affected are detailed below:  

Qualification number Title Size (GLH)
Pearson Level 3 BTEC Nationals in Children’s Care, Learning and Development (2007)
500/1814/0 Award 360
500/1813/9 Certificate 720
500/1812/7 Diploma 1080
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Children’s Play, Learning and Development (2012) - next generation BTEC Nationals
600/5536/4 Subsidiary Award 180
600/5535/2 Award 360
600/5537/6 Subsidiary Certificate 540
600/5538/8 Certificate 720
600/5933/3 Diploma 1080
Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Children’s Play, Learning and Development (2014)* - new next generation BTEC Nationals, including EYE-compliant sizes
TBC Subsidiary Award* 180
TBC Award* 360
TBC Subsidiary Certificate 540
TBC Certificate (EYE) 720
TBC Diploma (EYE) 1080

What does this mean for your learners this academic year (2013/14)?

The table below will help ensure you have registered your learners on the right qualification for this current academic year: 

Centre scenario Suggested qualification from September 2013
Scenario 1: Currently delivering combined assessment of Children and Young People’s Workforce NVQ (CYPW) and next generation BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Children’s Play, Learning and Development. Continue combined assessment of CYPW and next generation BTEC Nationals in Children’s Play, Learning and Development.

Learners that want to progress into Higher Education or employment.

Need an up–to-date early years course.
Scenario 2: Currently teaching BTEC Level 3 National in Children’s Care, Learning and Development (CCLD). Continue teaching BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Children’s Care, Learning and Development.

Need a qualification that provides progression to Higher Education.

Need a qualification that is full and relevant - Certificate (720 GLH) or Diploma (1080 GLH) sizes only.
Scenario 3: Needing a care-related qualification as part of a 16-19 Study Programme (not currently teaching BTEC).

BTEC Level 3 Nationals in Health and Social Care

(Certificate, Subsidiary Diploma, 90-credit Diploma).

Looking to introduce a qualification smaller than 540 GLH, alongside other qualifications, as part of a 16-19 Study Programme.

Want a care-related qualification that offers progression to Higher Education.
Review whether to offer new BTEC Nationals in CPLD with EYE-compliant sizes for the following academic year.
Scenario 4: Teaching 19+ learners looking to progress directly into employment. Offer the Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (CYPW).

Offering qualification as part of an apprenticeship.

Qualification delivered in the workplace.

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