New Early Years Educator criteria | Pearson qualifications

Government announcement on Early Years Educator criteria

22 July 2013

We’re developing new qualifications to meet the recently announced new criteria for Early Years Educators, for first teaching from September 2014.

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On 11 July, the National College of Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) published the criteria laying out the minimum requirements for what an Early Years Educator should know and understand to be considered qualified to support young children in the Early Years Foundation Stage in England.

As stated by the government in the More Great Childcare (January 2013) report, level 3 early years qualifications must conform to these new criteria for first teaching in England in September 2014, in order to qualify learners to work in the sector. This will affect all level 3 early years qualifications taken by learners starting in September 2014 which are designed to grant 'full and relevant' status.

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