Higher National Qualifications Vehicle Operations Management extended
We’ve extended the end date of approval for this qualification until 31 December 2015
Pearson has extended the end date of approval for this qualification until 31 December 2015, so that centres delivering these Higher Nationals will be able to recruit and register new students to this programme in the Autumn of 2015. However, no students will be able to be registered on this qualification after this date.
We wrote to centres in December 2014, summarising our research and consultation regarding HNs and outlining our plans to redesign the suite of HN qualifications between now and 2018 – to ensure they meet the changing needs and expectations of both industry and Higher Education.
Find out more about these developments
Our research and consultation to date regarding the HN Vehicle Operations Management programmes led us to the conclusion that there is little demand for this programme; indeed only one UK centre registered new students to this programme in 2014. However, Pearson continues to offer the Edexcel BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Automotive Management and Leadership (QCF). See the specification for this qualification.
What next?
We are currently working with industry and education partners to develop the new HN Engineering programmes, and as part of this we will be consulting with centres and the automotive industries. However we currently have no plans to re-design the HN Vehicle Maintenance Operations programme.
Before finalising any decision, we would like to consult with centres to understand their future plans for the delivery of this programme. If you would like the opportunity to discuss this further, please email highernationals@pearson.com