Redesign of BTEC Higher National qualifications | Pearson qualifications

Redesign of BTEC Higher National qualifications

7 July 2015

We've embarked on a long-term plan to redesign the current suite of Higher National qualifications in phases, beginning with our Business and Engineering qualifications.

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Business and Engineering qualifications 

After extensive research in 2014, the Business and Engineering qualifications were recognised as the first priority for our design team, with the new qualifications planned for September 2016 enrolment. With a strong focus on employability, we are keen to provide our HN students with qualifications that:

  • have industry recognition
  • meet future labour market needs.

As part of this redesign process, we sought guidance and input from external experts from both the business and engineering industries to advise on developments and key priorities in their sectors. We've been overwhelmed by the support from the external stakeholders who have been involved so far.

External Stakeholder Advisory Group (ESAG) meeting

On 2 March 2015, we successfully hosted the first External Stakeholder Advisory Group (ESAG) meeting for the new Business qualifications, supported by key stakeholders, including representatives from:

  • the Chartered Institute of Professional Development
  • Wade Financial
  • the Federation of Small Businesses.

After this constructive and valuable discussion, and eager to build momentum, another ESAG for Engineering followed on 30 March, supported by other influential names including:

  • Gen2
  • Siemens
  • the Royal Academy of Engineering
  • Aston University
  • University College London
  • the Engineering Council.

The purpose of these ESAG meetings is to ensure that:

  • priorities are appropriately addressed - both at subject and sector level
  • progression pathways are clear and appropriate
  • content and assessment standards for the new qualifications meet industry expectations.

Both subject meetings were well attended and some interesting suggestions were made. These meetings established our growing relationships with key external stakeholders and discussions will continue to take place throughout the redevelopment process, to ensure we are creating professionally designed qualifications of the highest quality, with industry recognition.

Writing events

As part of this process, Pearson also hosted 2 very successful writing events:

  • a curriculum writing event in Canterbury on 15 April to begin work on the Business qualifications
  • an Engineering curriculum writing event in Coventry on 3 June.

A write up on these events will follow shortly. 

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