Covid-19 Teaching and Assessment Guidance for BTEC Higher Nationals | Pearson qualifications

Covid-19 Teaching and Assessment Guidance for BTEC Higher Nationals

Fri May 01 07:39:00 UTC 2020

We are committed to supporting students and centres with their BTEC Higher National provision in these unprecedented and uncertain times, and our overwhelming priority is to support you and your students through this. 

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On Friday, 24 April 2020, Ofqual released a consultation on the assessment and grading of vocational, technical and other general qualifications. We hope that you will consider submitting your response, as it will help inform further steps for BTEC Higher Nationals.

Ofqual consultation on awarding vocational and technical qualifications in summer 2020

We continue to work with Ofqual to establish how centres should deal with the certification of students in summer 2020, where they are unable to complete student teaching and assessment this year, and we will communicate with you again as soon as we have more detail to share.

While the Ofqual consultation covers key aspects of assessment and grading, including fundamental principles for how Awarding Organisations will calculate results, we have designed a guide to support centres who are seeking guidance on maintaining their BTEC Higher National provision in the current environment to help learners to complete this summer, and for progressing students into study in 2021.  


The guidance covers the following areas:

  • course design
  • selection of alternative units
  • approach to research, groupwork, use of alternative software, laboratory work, work experience and presentations
  • sector-specific guidance for BTEC Higher National qualifications.

We understand that some centres have had to move to distance learning delivery. In order to support you further, it would be helpful if you could let us know whether you are now delivering your BTEC Higher Nationals online, by completing the temporary distance learning form, and returning to

The guidance covers the following areas:

  • Course design.
  • Selection of alternative units.
  • Approach to research, groupwork, use of alternative software, laboratory work, work experience and presentations.
  • Sector-specific guidance for BTEC Higher National qualifications.

We understand that some centres have had to move to distance learning delivery. In order to support you further, it would be helpful if you could let us know whether you are now delivering your BTEC Higher Nationals online, by completing the temporary distance learning form, and returning to

We know you’ll have many questions and we are here to support you. You can contact us via Pearson Support. If your higher education provision is also regulated by a body in addition to Ofqual, for example the Office for Students, please do continue to follow their guidance also.  

Best wishes,

Jane Baker
Director, Higher Education Qualifications

The guidance covers the following areas:

  • Course design.
  • Selection of alternative units.
  • Approach to research, groupwork, use of alternative software, laboratory work, work experience and presentations.
  • Sector-specific guidance for BTEC Higher National qualifications.

We understand that some centres have had to move to distance learning delivery. In order to support you further, it would be helpful if you could let us know whether you are now delivering your BTEC Higher Nationals online, by completing the temporary distance learning form, and returning to

We know you’ll have many questions and we are here to support you. You can contact us via Pearson Support. If your higher education provision is also regulated by a body in addition to Ofqual, for example the Office for Students, please do continue to follow their guidance also.  

Best wishes,

Jane Baker
Director, Higher Education Qualifications


We know you’ll have many questions and we are here to support you. You can contact us via Pearson Support.

If your higher education provision is also regulated by a body in addition to Ofqual, for example the Office for Students, please do continue to follow their guidance also.  

Best wishes,

Jane Baker
Director, Higher Education Qualifications


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