Update on the BTEC Firsts and Nationals in Vehicle Technology
We are pleased to announce that the long-awaited Vehicle Technology qualifications are now accredited and available for delivery.
The older NQF versions will continue to be available for delivery for those learners already enrolled (that is, those enrolled before 31 December 2011). The NQF qualifications also remain eligible for 16-18 YPLA funding for any eligible learners enrolled before 31 December 2011. This is the only funding available for the NQF versions.
The NQF Vehicle Technology qualifications have not been eligible for 19+ funding for adult learners enrolled since 31 December 2010, as SFA funding parameters require qualifications to be on the QCF in order to be eligible for 19+ funding.
The Level 3 qualifications are available for delivery from 1 January 2012 and the Level 2 qualifications will be available for delivery from 1 February 2012. The process of assigning public funding for 19+ learners has begun and will be confirmed shortly.
We apologise to those of you who have made plans around the anticipated delivery date of 1 January 2012.
If you have any questions about the availability of funding for these qualifications, please email funding@pearson.com.