Unit guidance clarification | Pearson qualifications

Clarification of unit guidance for BTEC Firsts in Horticulture from 2010

14 August 2013

We would like to clarify a statement in the guidance for Unit 7: Participate in Providing Estate Maintenance in our BTEC Firsts in Horticulture from 2010. 

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The assessment guidance for the above unit (Y/600/9364) reads:

'For P5, learners need to assess the condition of boundaries for maintenance requirement; assessment could be in the form of individual oral questioning or maintenance planning sheets. A minimum of two boundaries should be included. These may be selected by the tutor or agreed through discussion with the learner.

'Assessment of P6, P7, P8 could, as indicated above, be linked with P1, P2, P3, P4 with suitable projects and with assessment evidence in the same format. It is expected that learners will work with at least two different boundaries, for assessment purposes, from the unit content list.'

However, we need to clarify that this assessment must be in the context of two different types of boundary, for example hedge and fence. Clarification is given in bold below.

'For P5, learners need to assess the condition of boundaries for maintenance requirement; assessment could be in the form of individual oral questioning or maintenance planning sheets. A minimum of two types of boundary should be included. These may be selected by the tutor or agreed through discussion with the learner.

'Assessment of P6, P7, P8 could, as indicated above, be linked with P1, P2, P3, P4 with suitable projects and with assessment evidence in the same format. For assessment purposes it is expected that learners will work with at least two different types of boundary from the unit content list.'

We're sorry for any confusion caused.


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