Level 1 and below newsletter December 2023
Hello and welcome to the Pearson Level 1 and below newsletter for December 2023 covering all things below level 2 including Level 1 Intro, Entry Level, BTEC Workskills and BTEC Personal Growth and Wellbeing.
December is upon us and like that another term is almost over. I hope you are looking forward to the New Year and however you celebrate, I hope you manage to find some time for yourself.
As we head into the last month before 2024, I would like to update you on what has been happening across these qualifications. Remember if you would like to discuss anything with me for these qualifications, please book in with me on a Friday afternoon.
This is already proving very popular so make sure if you would like to talk you sign up as early as possible.
12 Days of Workskills
To celebrate the festive season every day from 1 December for 12 days we released a new learning resource for BTEC Workskills! To find out what the latest resource drops were you can follow me here:
Kelly Adams MBa, MEd, BA, PGCE, NPQML | LinkedIn
Or simply visit the website to find out what resource was released each day!

New teaching and learning resources.
Just a reminder we have published the Inclusion hub | Pearson qualifications page to support you with ideas to help you support the diverse range of learners you teach. If you would like me to include something specific on these pages that you would find useful as always, please let me know.
As part of enhancing our suite and from listening to feedback from our customers we have launched a series of pick-up and-use assignment briefs across the Level 1 Intro and Entry Level 1-3 suites. Please note these are not authorised assignment briefs, but samples for you to pick up/use and adopt. There are at least 3-unit assignment briefs for each subject area, based on popular taught units in these subjects.
To find these please visit the relevant Pearson Qualification pages. Examples of assignment briefs for Level 1 Vocational Studies can be seen here:
Vocational Studies (L1 Introductory)
On demand and live training events
Remember we have our own YouTube channel where you can get the latest training and video events from us in this suite.
BTEC Below Level 1, Workskills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing - YouTube
New for this month are our on-demand training events produced by SSV Katie. Katie has produced standardization recordings for BTEC Level 1 Intro qualifications. These recordings should help your team standardize and will help you to identify Pass, Merit and Distinction learner work when assessing.
In addition to the Core A2 standardization material which we launched last month we also now have Core units A1 and A4 available for Level 1 Intro. Please go to the Pearson website to collect the standardization packs to go with the recordings which is available here:
Standardisation Material 2023 Unit A1 Being Organised (pearson.com)
You can watch the standardization training videos here.
New content for November on the Skills Channel
Please save our playlist for the latest Teaching and Learning Skills Video: Pearson Skills - YouTube
Our latest video is about the I Do, We Do, You Do model which having used this myself in the classroom is a strong learning tool at this level to help move learners to become more independent and develop skills, using a scaffolding approach. This video is designed to support centres who are interested in finding out more about how using this model can help them to develop learners to retain more information and think more independently, I have also included some examples for some of our Level 1 Intro qualifications to demonstrate
how you might use this in practice: I Do, We Do, You Do Model in the BTEC Level 1 Classroom - YouTube
Monthly blog
Our blog this month is on Crafting the Inclusive Below Level 2 Classroom: A Vision for Diverse Learning. The blog provides an overview of the key features to consider when looking to implement an inclusive classroom that provides safety and structure to help learners to achieve qualifications. You can visit the blog here. News - Crafting the Inclusive Below Level 2 Classroom: A Vision for Diverse Learning | Pearson qualifications
Monthly podcast
Finally, do take the opportunity to listen to our Below L2 Workskills and PGW insights blog on Spotify. This month’s episode is all about how to make classrooms more accessible for learners BTEC Below L2 Workskills and PGW insights | Podcast on Spotify - It is useful listen and may give your ideas on how to develop accessibility in your classroom
Wishing you a restful festive season and a very happy new year, both from myself and everyone involved with these qualifications at Pearson.
Kelly Adams - Product Manager Level 1 Below Including Workskills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing