Changes to onscreen tests for BTEC Level 2 in Retail Knowledge
13 May 2013
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On 21 June 2013, the structure for the Pearson BTEC Level 2 Retail Knowledge onscreen test will change.
There will be two additional tests and the number of questions and durations of some tests will change. Please read on for more information.
What does this mean for your centre and your learners?
- We’re splitting the assessments that currently cover multiple units so that each unit is assessed through an individual test. Currently, tests number 1 and 2 cover two units each. We'll be separating these assessments and creating two additional tests (tests 11 and 12). This will mean that tests 1 and 2 will become smaller and shorter, as from 21 June they will only assess one unit each rather than the current two combined units.
This is required for regulatory purposes; however, there will be benefits for you and your learners. Your learners will be assessed at an individual unit level, which means their achievements can be better recognised and resits will be more efficient as they’ll only need to resit the units they require.
You will be able to schedule tests consecutively if required. Alternatively, you may choose to separate out the timing of the assessments if this suits your programmes better.
- At the same time, we're also adjusting the duration of tests 3 to 7 to ensure consistency with other tests that have 20 questions. The duration of these tests will change from 45 minutes to 35 minutes.
Tests 8, 9 and 10 will be unchanged.
- You will be able to book the new tests on and after 21 June 2013.
If your learners have taken test 1 before 21 June 2013 (currently the combined test for units 1 and 2), they won't need to take the new test 11.
Similarly, if your learners have taken test 2 before 21 June 2013 (currently the combined test for units 3 and 4), they won't need to take the new test 12.
- Please visit our onscreen tests page which will be updated regularly with new information. The centre guidance document for onscreen testing for this qualification will also be updated.