Changes to Leisure Operations Apprenticeship frameworks | Pearson qualifications

Changes to the Leisure Operations Apprenticeship frameworks in England and Wales

Tue Jun 18 12:00:00 UTC 2013

SkillsActive is making changes to the Leisure Operations Apprenticeship frameworks in England and Wales. 

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Following our recent communication about the changes in structure to the Pearson BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Leisure Operations (QCF), we've been informed by SkillsActive that the revised frameworks (which will include this qualification) are currently with the National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) and are yet to be published.

The NAS had requested additional information and employer support from SkillsActive, which has now been supplied, and SkillsActive is awaiting feedback from the NAS as to whether they will fund the new frameworks or require further amendments.

As the new frameworks have not been published, please ensure that all learners are registered by 30 June 2013 on the Pearson BTEC Level 2 Certificate in Leisure Operations (QCF) (QN 600/3138/4), as this qualification is still included in the Leisure Operations Apprenticeship frameworks in England (FR00912) and Wales (FR01114).

We'll keep you updated on the progress of the new Apprenticeship frameworks.

If you have any questions about this announcement, please contact your account manager or account services at  


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