Employment Responsibilities and Right (ERR) and Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) in Health Apprenticeships | Pearson qualifications

Employment Responsibilities and Right (ERR) and Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) in Health Apprenticeships

Thu Jan 29 16:26:00 UTC 2015

The Health intermediate and advanced apprenticeship frameworks have been updated to include qualifications covering the requirements for Employment Rights and Responsibilities and Personal, Learning and Thinking Skills.

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The qualifications include:

  • 601/0117/9 Pearson BTEC Level 2 Award in Employment and Personal Learning Skills in Health
  • 600/9666/4 Pearson BTEC Level 3 Award in Employment and Personal Learning Skills in Health.

The following qualifications will no longer be available to apprentices starting on the Health frameworks from 1 April 2015.  They'll still be available for apprentices in other sectors.

  • 501/1790/7 Pearson BTEC Level 2 Extended Award in Workskills for Effective Learning and Employment
  • 501/1792/0 Pearson BTEC Level 3 Extended Award in Workskills for Effective Learning and Employment.

This change means that all Health apprentices will complete the same ERR and PLTS qualifications whichever awarding organisation they are registered with, and therefore will bring Pearson apprentices in line with all other Health apprentices.

Any Health apprentices who register on the Extended Awards in Workskills for Effective Learning and Employment before 1 April 2015 may continue through to completion.

Structure of the new qualifications

The 2 new qualifications have been integrated from Pearson EDI. Whereas the Extended Awards in Workskills comprise a wide range of units and are therefore applicable toapprentices in all sectors, the new qualifications are structured so that apprentices undertake units that are most appropriate to working in the health sector.

All the units in the new qualifications have been taken from the Workskills qualifications.

601/0117/9 Pearson BTEC Level 2 Award in Employment and Personal Learning Skills in Health

The qualification is 7 credits, has 64 guided learning hours and is assessed through a portfolio of evidence.

Learners must complete all 5 units:

Unit Title Level 1 Credit GLH
R6022954 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children and young people’s settings 2 3 24
H6024529 Preparing for an apprenticeship 2 1 10
K6024547 Using enquiry and investigative techniques to solve problems 2 1 10
Y6024544 Manage own learning 2 1 10
H6024546 Participating in teamwork 2 1 10

600/9666/4 Pearson BTEC Level 3 Award in Employment and Personal Learning Skills in Health

The qualification is 7 credits, has 64 guided learning hours and assessed through a portfolio of evidence.

Learners must complete all 5 units:

Unit Title Level 1 Credit GLH
R6022954 Understand employment responsibilities and rights in health, social care or children and young people’s settings 2 3 24
L6024525 Preparing for a Level 3 apprenticeship 3 1 10
R6024560 Using research skills to solve problems 3 1 10
R6024557 Manage own learning 3 1 10
D6024559 Participating through team leading 3 1 10

This announcement relates to the following SASE and SASW apprenticeship frameworks:

  • Health (Allied Health Profession Support)
  • Health (Clinical Healthcare Support)
  • Health (Emergency Care Assistance)
  • Health (Healthcare Support Services)
  • Health (Maternity and Paediatric Support)
  • Health (Pathology Support)
  • Health (Perioperative Support)
New MAS codes have been created on Edexcel Online for registration of learners from 1 April 2015:

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If you require any more information, please contact Karen.Lawlor@pearson.com.


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