New SFA rules for funding qualifications | Pearson qualifications

Changes to Skills Funding Agency rules for funding qualifications

Tue Feb 18 14:00:00 UTC 2014

The Skills Funding Agency (SFA) has released new rules for funding qualifications for 19+ learners from February 2014. 

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These rules, published on 31 January 2014, apply to any new qualifications released from February this year and will apply to all qualifications from 2014-15.

These rules do not apply to qualifications that form part of an Apprenticeship framework. For these qualifications, the current rules still apply and funding rates and eligibility are not affected.

As a result of these rules, the SFA have reviewed all existing qualifications and confirmed their eligibility for funding for 2014-15.

A list of qualifications that are no longer eligible for funding has also been published. We will share this information with affected providers shortly.

If you are an awarding organisation, you can appeal against these decisions and, with appropriate support from employers and professional bodies, ensure that these qualifications remain funded for the following years.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact your account manager.


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