AS and A level Music Technology subject criteria consultation now open | Pearson qualifications

AS and A level Music Technology subject criteria consultation now open

22 July 2015

AS and A level Music Technology qualifications will be redeveloped for first teaching from September 2017. The consultation on the subject criteria and assessment objectives has now opened. 

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For the first time the subject criteria for Music and Music Technology has been separated allowing the content to be specific to Music Technology.


The new criteria proposed that the content is split into four clear areas, which cover:

  • recording and production techniques for creative and corrective purposes which details the functions of DAW that students should know and be able to use practically
  • principles of sound and audio technology, with the introduction of some specific maths and physics content
  • the development of recording and production technology requiring students to understand the history and development of recording and production technology from the 1950s through five eras
  • skills students will develop to capture, manipulate, create and refine sounds.

The Department for Education (DfE) and Ofqual have released the consultation documents on their website for the new subject criteria. The DfE is consulting on the subject content and Ofqual is consulting on the amount of non-examined assessment and the assessment objectives.

You can find details of the consultations by clicking on the links below:

Department for Education consultation on subject content

Ofqual consultation on assessment arrangements

These pages contain details of the content and assessment for this qualification, as well as how you can respond to the consultation.


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