Update on A Level Maths Assessment
Below is the letter and technical report that we have shared with our customers today.
Letter to customers
Dear colleague,
As it’s results day, I would like to extend my congratulations to all students, their parents and their teachers receiving A Level Maths results today.
We are confident that the results we have issued today are an accurate and fair reflection of each student’s mathematical ability. To ensure that you too are able to be confident in the results that you have received we are committed to sharing some further information with you that has underpinned the decisions that we have made.
There is a variety of information available on our website about this summer’s A Level Maths. You can find our mark schemes, the mapping of our A Level exam questions to the topics on the specification that they are assessing in course materials, and some videos explaining how we have ensured fair and accurate results in this qualification update.
In addition, I wanted to provide you with some more technical detail about how your students have performed on our question papers. Please find below a summary technical report which highlights some key statistics which may be of interest to you and your students. I will also be providing more detailed technical information to you in the Autumn term which is intended to support your teaching and learning of this qualification.
Should you have any concerns about the results we have issued our free Access to Scripts online portal allows you to view marked scripts online or download as a PDF. The Access to Scripts service provides a rich source of information giving insights and visibility that performance data alone cannot provide. We are also able to carry out a review of marking, details of how to access the service can be found in Post-results services.
Please do not hesitate to contact me at assessmentfeedback@pearson.com if you have any further queries.
Kind regards
Hayley White
Assessment Director
A level Mathematics 2019 - summary technical report
This document contains key technical information to explain candidate performance across the three A Level Maths papers and on how they performed overall.