GCE AS and A level Statistics accreditation update | Pearson qualifications

GCE AS and A level Statistics accreditation update

Thu Jul 13 09:00:00 UTC 2017

Unfortunately, our second submission for GCE AS and A level Statistics has not been accredited by Ofqual.  

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Many of the issues raised from the first submission have been addressed, but there are a few things still to resolve, and we are now working through their feedback. We are planning to resubmit our updated specification and sample assessment materials before the end of July.

We understand that you will be keen to plan for first teaching in September, but we are pleased to be able to confirm that the remaining issues are relatively minor. At the top level, the new content is defined, and Ofqual are satisfied with both our assessment model and the level of demand of the sample assessment materials. The main issues to be resolved concern the authenticity of some of our question parts within the context of the Statistical Enquiry Cycle, and the weighting of strands within AO1.

Support materials for the new specification will follow shortly, including mapping documents between the old and new specifications, slides from the recent getting ready to teach events, and a draft scheme of work.

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