DfE reveals timescale for GCSE and A level specification redevelopment | Pearson qualifications

DfE reveals timescale for GCSE and A level specification redevelopment

15 April 2014

The Department for Education (DfE) has announced the GCSE and A level subjects that will be redeveloped for first teaching from September 2016.

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On 9 April, Education Secretary Michael Gove said:

'I can announce today that GCSEs and A levels in religious studies, design & technology, drama, dance, music and PE - and GCSEs in art & design, computer science and citizenship - will also be reformed and brought up to these new, higher standards for first teaching at the same time, in September 2016.'

Subject content for GCSEs and A levels in remaining subjects will be developed for first teaching from 2017, through the new regulatory framework that Ofqual will be consulting on.

We'll continue to work with a wide range of stakeholders, subject groups and teachers to investigate what core content should be included in these subjects, ahead of redevelopment.

Read the full Department for Education announcement.


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