DfE and Ofqual on A level reforms | Pearson qualifications

The DfE and Ofqual announce consultations on A level reform in England

6 November 2013

On Friday 25 October 2013, the Department for Education (DfE) and Ofqual both announced consultations on A level reform in England.

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DfE consultation on the subject content of new A levels in England

This consultation is about the proposed changes to the subject content of new A levels and to the AS qualification.

The proposed subject content for art and design, business, computing, economics, English language, English literature, English language and literature, geography, history, biology, chemistry, physics, psychology and sociology are included in this consultation.

How to take part in this DfE consultation

You can find more information about this consultation on the subject content of new A levels - including details of how to take part - on the DfE website.

The closing date for this consultation is Friday 20 December 2013.

Ofqual consultation on proposed changes to the regulation of A levels in England

This consultation is about proposed changes to A levels and to the AS qualification in England - in particular, how they are designed, assessed and regulated.

A key proposal included in this consultation is that A levels will only include non-exam assessment in subjects where it is necessary to assess the required skills. Otherwise, assessment will be by exam only.

In particular, Ofqual’s subject-by-subject proposals include:

  • Geography - the re-introduction of non-exam assessment of fieldwork

  • Art and design - the retention of 100 per cent non-exam assessment

  • English literature, English language, history, geography and computer science to be 80 per cent exam and 20 per cent non-exam

  • Biology, chemistry and physics - practical skills to be assessed and the results reported separately. These results will not count towards grades. Understanding of experimental methods will be assessed in exams.

The proposed assessment objectives for art and design, biology, business, chemistry, computing, economics, English language, English literature, English language and literature, geography, history, physics, psychology and sociology, are also included in this consultation.

How to take part in this Ofqual consultation

Further information about this consultation, including the proposed assessment objectives and how to take part, can be found on Ofqual’s website.

The closing date for this consultation is Friday 17 January 2014.


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