New: Free online coursework clinic for A level literature 9ET0 04 - summer 2019 submissions
26 July 2018
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Free coursework clinic with our subject advisor.
If you're planning to set up your Y12s for a prompt start to their coursework once their exams are over or over the summer holidays, do join Clare Haviland, our English Subject Advisor, for a free online coursework clinic, where she will be covering:
- setting up text and title choice
- text suitability
- title composition
- setting up referencing to avoid plagiarism/how to do a bibliography
- planning to write to a suitable length (word counts and structure)
- providing feedback to students: rules on feedback
Time and date:
13 September 2018 4-5.30pm.
Register for the free online clinic
You don't need any special equipment, just a computer with speakers built in.
Clare will speak live and you will be able to ask her questions using the chat boxes on screen.