Support for the Practical Endorsement at A level | Pearson qualifications

Support for the Practical Endorsement at A level

Thu Feb 25 12:00:00 UTC 2016

As part of our on-going support for the new Practical Endorsement in A level Biology, Chemistry and Physics, we're pleased to announce the release of further training materials to support you with applying CPAC. 

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These include:

  • a Lead Teacher guide
  • a recording of our recent online training events on 'Understanding CPAC'.

How can I access the support?

You can access all of our support material for the Practical Endorsement by following the link to your specification below:

Don’t forget that you can find more support for practical work, such as our updated Core Practical worksheets, in the "Teaching support" tab of each of our science homepages, under the section "Preparing for practical work". 

Need more information on the Practical Endorsement?

A good introduction to the new Practical Endorsement can be found in our previous news story, The new Practical Endorsement at A level.

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