Replacement questions in Statistics and Further Pure Maths A Level exams | Pearson qualifications

Replacement questions in Statistics and Further Pure Maths A Level exams

Mon Jun 26 18:33:00 UTC 2017

We made the decision to replace some questions in two of this afternoon's examinations in the small number of schools and colleges where we'd heard allegations that some students had information they should not have had. 

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Replacing these questions helps us to ensure the integrity of the examination. The vast majority of students work hard at their studies and want to take exams safe in the knowledge that they are working on a level playing field. We are continuing to investigate the allegations of malpractice relating to A level Maths, working with the police who have opened a criminal investigation.

We would like to thank those individuals who have already come forward with information, and they can rest assured that we will take every action necessary to ensure the integrity of these examinations and that all students are marked fairly. Any school, college or student with concerns can contact us at


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