Pearson and ResearchED announce events series to explore some of the biggest issues facing teachers today
Today, Pearson and ResearchED announce a series of new projects to explore some of the biggest issues currently faced by teachers.
This will cover 4 topics:
- Assessment - Exploring what assessment is for, at a time of significant change in the system, and how assessment can underpin great teaching.
- Vocational education - working to create an evidence base from within the sector about what constitutes best practice in pedagogy, behaviour management, leadership and curriculum.
- Continuing Professional Development - Exploring what good CPD looks like and how this can be supported by schools and initial teacher training providers.
- Textbooks - exploring what a good textbook looks like in the 21st century.
The education company and teacher-led research group announced these activities on the first day of the Festival of Education, and discussions with teachers at this event will also be focused on these 4 themes.
Rod Bristow, President of Pearson in the UK, said:
"We are looking forward to partnering with this exciting organisation, founded by teachers to support those in the profession. We hope that this series of projects will stimulate interest and debate in the education community on the biggest challenges facing our teachers today".
Tom Bennett, Director of ResearchED, said:
"We have selected these topics with Pearson, with a view to working on teacher-led projects aimed at meeting a need and providing a free service to those in the teaching profession, both in the UK and potentially abroad."
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More information about these activities will follow in the coming weeks. To find out more, please contact or