Edexcel International GCSE English Language A | Pearson qualifications

International GCSEs English Language A (2016)

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March 2025 teaching English update

Subject update | Wed Feb 26 14:05:00 UTC 2025

Welcome back from half term. I hope you had a chance to rest and recharge.

What’s coming up in March?

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Facebook groups for English teachers

Get all your updates for the qualifications you teach in one convenient place and have the opportunity to reach out to other English teachers in a professional environment.

This month we've launched the group for International GCSE. Groups for GCSE and A level will follow.

Join the Int GCSE English group now.


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Some exciting events on our ‘Let’s Talk English’ initiative

Join us to be part of the conversation on:
-What English is and what it is for
-Embracing the contemporary alongside the canonical
-Honest conversations about speech in English
-Reassessing English assessment
-Boldly tackling the big issues.

Join the conversation.


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World Book Day 2025: 6 March

WBD is a day to get excited/excite others all over again about reading and books, from primary school kids going to spend their £1 voucher in a book shop to the great displays and activities local libraries organise.

English teachers: why not take 6 March as a day to decide to teach a new set text in 2025-2026. Being brave with a new text moves you closer to your students who are experiencing a text for the first time and can be really invigorating for you.

My vote goes to trying our new set texts for Int GCSE: 'Klara and the Sun' or 'Western Lane'; or any of our Lit in Colour texts for GCSE or A level.

Go to the World Book Day website


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International Women's Day 2025: 8 March

Celebrate by talking about/reading the texts in our 'Pioneering Women Writers Guide' with your A level students (Edexcel Online login required).

With KS4 students, you could watch an interview with one of our fantastic global majority writers on Lit in Colour, Tanika Gupta.

Watch Tanika Gupta talk about 'The Empress'. 

Go to the International Women's Day website


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Mark for Pearson in the June 2025 exam series

Now that exam entries for June 2025 have been received for GCSE and A level, we’re recruiting more examiners on a range of English qualifications.

Browse and apply now

As always, do get in touch if you need support on delivering our English qualifications.


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