Music | Pearson qualifications


Subject update | Mon Jan 29 13:44:00 UTC 2024

Pearson BTEC Nationals in Music and Music Technology: February 2024 update

Read the latest information on BTEC Nationals in Music and Music Technology, including information for results day and key dates.

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Results for January series

The results for the January series will be released to centres on 20 March 2024 with results being released to learners on 21 March 2024.

Entries for June 2024 series

Entries for the June 2024 series for externally assessed units need to be made by 22 March to avoid any late fees.

If learners have sat a unit in the January series and you wish for them to resit the unit in the June series you may make entries after results are issued on 21 March. You have until 29 March to make entries for these learners without any late fees.

Level 3 reforms

Due to the reforms taking place at level 3 we are developing new qualifications for first teaching from September 2026. 

We intend to develop new qualifications for small Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) and large AAQs. We intend for a small AAQ in Digital Music Production and Music Performance, and large AAQs in Music and Music Production You can find the latest information about the new developments on our website.

Read the latest news on the new Level 3 developments

Key dates

Date Event
31 March 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 3 May/June series activities 1 and 2 deadline for completion
2 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 3 May/June assessment window opens
8 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 2 May/June brief released
8 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 2 May/June assessment window opens
15 May 2024 Deadline to submit first sample to Standards Verifier
17 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 3 May/June series assessment window closes
21 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 3 May/June series submission deadline
24 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 2 May/June assessment window closes
28 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Performance Unit 2 May/June submission deadline
5 July 2024 Deadline for reporting results in order to receive certificates for August results day
Date Event
22 April 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 6 May/June brief released
22 April 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 6 May/June assessment window opens
23 April 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 5 May/June Part A released
23 April 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 5 Part A May/June assessment window opens
30 April 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 5 Part A May/June assessment window closes
1 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 5 Part B May/June assessment 
3 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 5 Part B May/June submission deadline
3 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 6 May/June assessment window closes
7 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 7 May/June brief released
7 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 7 May/June assessment window opens
8 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 6 May/June submission deadline
15 May 2024 Deadline to submit first sample to Standards Verifier
21 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 7 May/June assessment window closes
23 May 2024 BTEC National in Music Technology Unit 7 May/June assessment submission deadline
5 July 2024 Deadline for reporting results in order to receive certificates for August results day

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