Design and Technology | Pearson qualifications

Design and Technology

Subject update | 7 March 2023

March 2023 Design and Technology update

Here is your March 2023 update for GCSE and A level Design and Technology. 

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In this update:

  • Summer 2023 series support
  • Coursework marking training event module 4 - live
  • Exam dates this summer
  • The future of Design Education

Summer 2023 series Support

As you are aware, summer 2023 series is return back to normal, meaning that the mitigations that were in place for summer 2022 (adaptations to NEA practical and AI for exam), are no longer in effect. 

This means that:

  • for summer 2023 series, students would need to complete the full NEA and assessed on it, using the full range of the assessment criteria, without adaptations.
  • Exam will not have Advance Information. Students should be familiar with the full content of the specifications for the exam. 

Deadline for the NEA is 15 May 2023. By this date, you should submit your sample on Learner Work Transfer (LWT) and marks on Edexcel Online (EOL). 

You can access guidance on this from the Administrative Support Guide in the link below. This guide highlights what should be submitted in your sample. 

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Please see the update in the link below, which will link you to the CABs and authentication sheets for both GCSE and A level D&T. This update also highlights the changes to the CAB from last year. 

NEA assessment materials for summer 2023

No hardcopy submissions in summer 2023, like last year. Centres need to submit sample on Learner Work Transfer (LWT).

Support session - Summer 2023 submissions

Join me on this support session on 27 March at 15:45-17:00, in which we will look at the summer 2023 series ahead and provide an opportunity for your questions.

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Coursework marking training event module 4 - live

There is a live module 4 coursework marking training event session on 13 March 2023 at 16:00 - 18:00. 

Read more and book your place

Exam dates this summer

Qualification Date Time
A level D&T (9DT0 01) Wednesday 07 June pm
GCSE D&T (1DT0 1A,1B ,1C , 1D, 1E, 1F) Monday 19 June am

The future of Design Education

As you are aware, Pearson recently announced plans to drive forward a new, future-focused design and technology (D&T) curriculum that inspires children and young people to become the creative problem solvers of the future.

Together with leading organisations and educators, we have started to outline our collective vision for a new design education curriculum that all students will be able to identify with. Our aim is to strengthen the subject’s position in schools, equip learners of today with the skills to solve tomorrow’s real-world problems and support the career aspirations of all learners.

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