Essential Skills Wales Communication (Entry Levels 1-3)

Changes to the Essential Employability Skills (EES) Essential Skills Wales qualifications
The Essential Employability Skills qualifications have been managed through the collaboration agreement between the recognised Awarding Bodies: Agored Cymru, The City & Guilds of London Institute, Pearson Education Limited and WJEC CBAC Limited, to support the development of learner skills.
Qualifications Wales regards the Essential Skills qualifications as Priority Qualifications and thus subject to additional regulatory conditions. These include the operation of a common summative assessment model. The document ‘Design Principles for the Essential Skills Wales suite of qualifications’ sets out these expectations.
Having implemented the initial round of assessment for the Essential Employability Skills suite of qualifications, feedback and review has identified the need to improve the clarity of the Design Principles and resulting Controlled Tasks for all users. To this end the collaborative partnership has formally requested changes to the ‘Design Principles’ from Qualification Wales.
The Awarding Bodies have taken the opportunity to include clarity of progression opportunities and wording to refine the assessment tasks and associated mark schemes. We believe that this will facilitate the most efficient and effective processes and standardised interpretation of assessment expectation.
To ensure fit for purpose assessment moving forward, all parties involved in the collaborative partnership have agreed to withdraw all currently available EES ESW assessments and mark schemes and to replace these with new versions that will comply with the incorporated ‘Design Principle’ changes. We are working on these currently and will advise you as soon as revised tasks are available.
Please contact your Awarding Body for further information.
Newidiadau i gymwysterau Sgiliau Hanfodol Cyflogadwyedd Sgiliau Hanfodol Cymru
Mae’r cymwysterau Sgiliau Hanfodol Cyflogadwyedd yn cael eu rheoli drwy gytundeb cydweithredol rhwng y Cyrff Dyfarnu cydnabyddedig canlynol: Agored Cymru, Sefydliad City and Guilds Llundain, Pearson Education Limited a WJEC CBAC Cyfyngedig, i gefnogi’r gwaith o ddatblygu sgiliau dysgwyr.
Mae Cymwysterau Cymru yn ystyried y cymwysterau Sgiliau Hanfodol yn Gymwysterau Blaenoriaeth ac felly’n ddarostyngedig i amodau rheoleiddio ychwanegol. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys gweithredu model asesu crynodol cyffredinol. Mae’r ddogfen ‘Egwyddorion Dylunio ar gyfer cyfres o gymwysterau Sgiliau Hanfodol Cymru’ yn nodi'r disgwyliadau hyn.
Ar ôl cynnal y rownd gyntaf o asesiadau ar gyfres o gymwysterau Sgiliau Hanfodol Cyflogadwyedd, mae’r adolygiad a’r adborth wedi nodi bod angen gwneud yr Egwyddorion Dylunio a’r Tasgau a Reolir yn fwy eglur ar gyfer pob defnyddiwr. Ar gyfer y diben hwn, mae’r bartneriaeth gydweithredol wedi gwneud cais ffurfiol bod newidiadau’n cael eu gwneud i’r ‘Egwyddorion Dylunio’ drwy Gymwysterau Cymru.
Mae’r Cyrff Dyfarnu wedi manteisio ar y cyfle i gynnwys cyfleoedd i symud ymlaen a geiriad eglur er mwyn mireinio'r tasgau asesu a’r cynlluniau marcio cysylltiedig. Rydyn ni’n credu y bydd hyn yn hwyluso’r prosesau mwyaf effeithlon ac effeithiol, a’r dehongliad safonol o ddisgwyliadau asesu.
I wneud yn siŵr bod asesiadau addas i'r diben ar waith wrth symud ymlaen, mae’r holl bartïon sy’n rhan o’r bartneriaeth gydweithredol wedi cytuno i ddiddymu’r holl asesiadau a chynlluniau marcio Sgiliau Hanfodol Cyflogadwyedd Sgiliau Hanfodol Cymru sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd, a’u hamnewid am fersiynau newydd a fydd yn cydymffurfio â’r newidiadau sydd wedi’u hymgorffori i’r ‘Egwyddorion Dylunio’.
Rydym yn gweithio ar y rhain ar hyn o bryd a rhoddwn wybod i chi pan fydd y tasgau diwygiedig ar gael.
Cysylltwch â’ch Corff Dyfarnu i gael rhagor o wybodaeth.