Apprenticeship Frameworks New Apprenticeship Standards (Trailblazers) in England
New Apprenticeship Standards (Trailblazers) in England
David Phillips, Vice President of Work Based Learning and Colleges, explains how we're getting involved with the new Apprenticeship Standards and Trailblazer employers.
As the Apprenticeship reform programme has been unveiled and started to develop, we've been engaging closely with both the Department for Business Innovation and Skills and with the Trailblazers as they work on the new standards.
Watch our short film of David Phillips talking to Professor Ursula Renold about how we can draw on her experience of leading a major reform of the Swiss apprenticeship system in 2012.

We’ve been working with you...
We regularly consult with members of our Advisory Board to gain their advice, feedback and insight on our plans for products, services and qualifications and our future strategies. Advisory Board members include a broad range of our centres and customers from training providers, FE and employers (including organisations from Trailblazer employer groups). They continue to support us with ongoing developments as part of the Apprenticeship reforms.
Our World Class Qualifications (WCQ) programme brings together leading employers and international assessment and education experts to support us in the development of Apprenticeships as well as academic and vocational qualifications.
Chaired by Sir Michael Barber, the panel's members include Dr Peter Hill, Professor Bob Schwartz, Professor Robin Coningham, Dame Sally Coates, Professor Jonathan Osborne, Professor Sing Kong Lee, Bahram Bekhradnia, Dr Ursula Renold, Jane Beine and Jason Holt.
How can I learn more about the changes?
We've created a guide to help you understand what the new Apprenticeship Standards are about and what the changes are.
We hope these FAQs will answer any questions you may have, but if you can't find the answer to your question here, you can email us at
Future take-up of Apprenticeships by SMEs
In a recent growth survey of SMEs, Apprenticeships remain a focus for improving business growth. See the infographic for more about the survey and SMEs' thoughts on growth.
Want to get involved in the new generation of Apprenticeships?
We want to continue to work with you and the Trailblazers to get the next generation of Apprenticeships right for your learners. To find out how you can get involved, contact us at