June 2016 work-based learning and colleges update
This month's update is around the development of the new apprenticeship standards in the business skills sector.
Customer Service Practitioner (Level 2)
The Apprenticeship Standard for a Customer Service Practitioner was first published in August 2015. We're working in collaboration with the employer group and the expert panel to develop the high-level assessment plan to support the Standard. We expect that this will be published and the apprenticeship ready for delivery from July 2016.
For further details in advance of the published assessment plan, see the Customer Service Practitioner new apprenticeships page.
Customer Service Experience Specialist (Level 3)
The Apprenticeship Standard for a Customer Service Specialist is out for wider consultation. We anticipate that the standard will be published in Q3 2016. We'll be working in collaboration with the employer group and the expert panel to support the development of the high-level assessment plan, commencing development in late June 2016.
We'll keep you up to date on how the assessment plan is progressing in future updates.
Team Leader / Supervisor (Level 3)
The Apprenticeship Standard for a Team Leader / Supervisor is now available for delivery, with a Cap 2 funding allocation. We've been involved in the development of the Standard and Assessment plan as an apprenticeship employer.
See details of the approved standard and assessment plan
Operations / Departmental Manager (Level 5)
The Apprenticeship Standard for an Operations / Departmental Manager is now available for delivery, with a Cap 3 funding allocation.We've been involved in development of the Standard and Assessment plan as an apprenticeship employer.
See details of the approved standard and assessment plan
Business Administrator (Level 3)
The Apprenticeship Standard for a Business Administrator was published in May 2016.
Find out more about the new Apprenticeship Standard
We've been involved in the wider consultation group supporting the development of the Apprenticeship Standard, and we'll keep you up to date on how the assessment plan is progressing in future updates.
Next steps…
Over the coming months we will be consulting within customers to ensure that our products and services supporting the new Apprenticeship Standards meet your needs and requirements.
For further information on new Apprenticeship Standards in the business skills sector, please contact us.