Extension for BTEC Entry 3 Vocational Study | Pearson qualifications

Extension for BTEC Entry 3 Vocational Study

13 June 2023

We would like to confirm that following a review, we have extended the availability of our BTEC Entry 3 Vocational Study suite of qualifications.

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This will affect the following qualifications: 

QN Qualification title  Current review date Proposed review date
603/3481/2 Pearson BTEC Level Entry 3 Award in Entry to Vocational Study 31.5.2023 31.08.2026
603/3482/4  Pearson BTEC Level Entry 3 Certificate in Entry to Vocational Study  31.5.2023 31.08.2026
603/3484/8  Pearson BTEC Level Entry 3 Extended Certificate in Entry to Vocational Study  31.5.2023 31.08.2026
603/3480/0  Pearson BTEC Level Entry 3 Subsidiary Award in Entry to Vocational Study  31.5.2023 31.08.2026

The above qualifications have been extended and the proposed review date will be 31st August 2026 for both England and Wales.


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