Pearson Level 1 and below December 2024 newsletter
Hello and welcome to the final Pearson Level 1 and below newsletter of the year covering all things below level 2 including Level 1 Intro, Entry Level, BTEC Workskills and BTEC Personal Growth and Wellbeing.
Whether you celebrate the festive season of not, I hope you are looking forward to the end of term and a chance to recharge your batteries as we approach the end of 2024.
This month’s newsletter is quite short, having returned myself from a lovely break ready to support you all with delivering these excellent qualifications.
Online training events
Thank you to the many teachers who attended our BTEC Workskills/Personal Growth and Wellbeing Training and Level 1 Intro training events. I hope you found these free events useful and that they will support you in delivery and assessment moving forwards.
For those of you who were unable to attend, we have recordings of the sessions which we have posted below. We hope you will find them useful.
Getting Assessment Right- Assessing BTEC Workskills and PGW - YouTube
Getting Assessment Right Assessing BTEC Level 1 Intro qualifications - YouTube
- We have also some answers to some of the questions that were asked during the event. Please see below to find the answer you are looking for!
If we have pupils doing 2 different BTECS in two different subjects (one in Art and one in Catering). Do they need to do A2 twice? How does this work?
Yes, they do need to do A2 twice as there needs to be one A2 per qualification. However please speak to your standards verifier about how you might be able to tackle needing to do two lots of A2. They are there to help you. - Is it allowed to use AI. if yes, how do you reference this?
Please see our policy on using AI in assessments. AI Centre Guidance 24-25
New resources
We are pleased to let you know we have made the decision to create Entry Level 1 and Entry Level 2 assessment booklets for each unit as part of our offer to you. These additional optional booklets can be used if you would like a one stop shop for each of the units in these qualifications. It is recommended if you use these booklets to print them on A3 paper so that the learner has enough space to write on them. They also include an optional observation record if you undertake any observations as part of the unit.
Access the Pre-vocational Study (Entry 1) assessment booklets
Access the Pre-vocational Study (Entry 2) assessment booklets
All I want for Christmas is PGW
Starting today for 13 days we have some little gifts for you if you are a teacher of Personal Growth and Wellbeing. This event is in conjunction with Sweet Education, who offer bespoke booklet packages for purchase to deliver these qualifications.
Find out more about Sweet resources
These are all practical teaching and learning gifts free of charge and those which can be used in the classroom to support delivery and we will be releasing one of these per day.
You can find these on our BTEC Personal Growth and Wellbeing Teaching and Learning Pages. In addition if you want to find out more about our PSHE qualification that is fully mapped to RSE in England, please click the link here.
BTEC Personal Growth and Wellbeing | Pearson qualifications
We will also be promoting these on my linked in page and our Facebook group.
The links to which you can find below:
Pearson BTEC Level 1 and below Facebook Group | Facebook
New content for November on the skills channel
Please save our playlist on YouTube for the latest teaching and learning skills video.
Our latest video is about Considering Conformity - The Power of Peer Pressure
In this video we delve in to what conformity in the classroom is and the factors which influence it. We finally talk about how we can tackle conformity in the classroom.
You can watch the skills video if you are intrested on YouTube
Considering Conformity - The power of Peer Pressure (6:57mins)
Monthly Blog
This month’s blog is about the power of using BTEC Personal Growth and Wellbeing to deliver your PSHE provision. This blog talks through the benefits of using this qualification in order to deliver PSHE in your centre and how to integrate its use successfully. This blog was chosen to help you develop your PSHE in your centre and links well with our All I want for Christmas is PGW event above.
Read the The power of BTEC Pearson Growth and Wellbeing blog
I wish you a restful end of 2024. See you in 2025!
With best wishes
Kelly Adams
Product Manager Level 1 Below Including Workskills and Personal Growth and Wellbeing.