Economics | Pearson qualifications


Subject update | Wed Sep 25 16:00:00 UTC 2024

October 2024 Economics update

Welcome to this October 2024 update.

The key dates table below shows that training and network events are in full swing this month and next. Please see the full list under each of our four qualifications.

We are also launching a new Edexcel Facebook page which will be another source of news. I have been receiving a lot of emails about future qualification reforms and this new Facebook page may well be worth following in case anything were announced.

I hope that you will be able to enjoy the half-term break when it comes.

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Key dates

Date Activity
2 October International GCSE Economics training
3 October International GCSE Economics training
15 October IAL Economics training
16 October A level Economics network: reflections on Papers 1 and 2
17 October IAL Economics training
15 November EBEA Student Conference
13 December Last date to use the Access To Scripts service via Script Viewer.

EBEA Student Economics Conference

Friday 15 November 2024, 10.30am to 1pm

The EBEA has organised a free online conference for students and teachers, hosted by The Bank of England. Accessible online, both live and on demand, each session will aim to bring economics to life, illustrating how economic understanding can help society tackle its most challenging problems.

Speakers include Tim Harford, Dr Swati Dhingra, Rupal Patel, and Mark Gregory.

New Edexcel Facebook page

We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Pearson Edexcel Facebook page, designed to help and support you with the teaching and delivery of our UK qualifications. We’ll be sharing the latest news, updates and information about our support services across subjects. From our own news to updates from Ofqual and JCQ, follow us on @PearsonEdexcel on Facebook to stay up to date.

Our four qualifications

Econ A squirrels

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Econ B trees

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IAL Econ trees

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IG tree

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For help with:

  • free support and networking
  • free resources
  • paid-for resources from Pearson
  • paid-for resources from Hodder
  • other paid-for resources

For help with:

  • recorded feedback training
  • building your own question papers (examWizard)
  • the key command verbs
  • grade boundaries and statistics

NEW! FT case studies

New case studies based on articles from the FT have been written for you to use with your students.  These have up-to-date content and also have suggested answers.

  Case study Theme 1 Theme 2 Theme 3 Theme 4
1 Coffee 1.2.6 Price determination
1.2.8 Consumer and producer surplus
1.2.3 Price elasticity of demand
    4.3.2 Factors influencing growth and development: volatility of commodity prices
2 Electric cars   2.1.4 Balance of payments   4.1.6 Restrictions on free trade

There are also some other case studies in the dropbox folder and the Files  section of the Facebook group.

A level Economics network events: 2024 - 2025

ResultsPlus analysis for the 2024 papers, question by question.

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May/June 2025 timetable

2025 May TT

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Schology is an app and website posting 3x weekly teacher-written news articles specifically through the lens of A-Level Economics.

The articles directly fuse specific syllabus topics with current affairs, continually exposing students to top-level application and immersing them in real-world economics.

Articles are accompanied by supporting graphs, including analysis, in addition to flashcards, polls, and the AO Trainer.

The AO Trainer allows teachers to attach essay questions to articles, prompting students to practise the application of real-world data from the article in their essays. When writing, students can self-highlight their AOs in different colours, ensuring that they think about exam technique as well as facilitating easy marking for the teacher.

Through the platform, teachers can also keep their students accountable by tracking the engagement and reading habits of each individual student in their classroom.

For help with:

  • free support and networking
  • free and paid-for resources

For help with:

  • the key command verbs
  • grade boundaries and statistics

Recent case studies

New case studies with up-to-date content have been added to both the dropbox folder and to the Files  section of the Facebook group.

ResultsPlus analysis for the 2024 papers, question by question.

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Anforme books

The Economics Factory now has digital versions of the Anforme A level Economics B books

Visit the Economics Factory

May/June 2025 timetable

2025 May TT

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For help with:

  • free support and networking
  • IAL university recognition
  • free resources
  • paid-for resources

For help with:

  • building your own question papers (examWizard)
  • the key command verbs
  • grade boundaries and statistics


October 2024 exam series

2024 Oct TT

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January 2025 timetable

IAL Econ 2025 Jan TT

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May/June 2025 timetable

IAL Econ 2025 May TT

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October 2025 timetable

IAL Econ 2025 May TT

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January 2026 provisional timetable

IAL Econ 2026 Jan prov  TT

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Onscreen exams rollout

IAL Economics will have the first onscreen assessment available from 2026.

Make sure you’re signed up for the latest onscreen assessment news to find out how to register your school.

For help with:

  • free support and networking
  • free resources
  • paid-for resources

For help with:

  • the key command verbs
  • grade boundaries and statistics


Onscreen exams rollout

International GCSE Economics will have the first onscreen assessment available from 2024.

Make sure you’re signed up for the latest onscreen assessment news to find out how to register your school.

The Pearson onscreen sandbox (test environment) gives students all the practice they need to explore the platform’s functionality and build their confidence before they sit their exams onscreen.

It’s easy to register for an account: just click on Register for an account and enter your email address as your user ID.

The materials are digitised in the same platform as the mock and high-stakes onscreen exams and are a good opportunity for teachers and students to get to know the platform and functionality available.

Whilst the user experience mirrors what can be expected from the mocks and high-stakes assessments, please note that any solutions submitted through the sandbox environment by candidates will not be saved.

Modular International GCSE

International GCSE Economics is in the first group of subjects to make a modular route available to learners from September 2023.

This means that we will have both a modular and a linear route to achieve this qualification.

If you are happy with the linear approach, there is no need to move to the modular route; our linear International GCSEs will continue to be offered and taken widely by learners around the world. ​

However, if you believe the modular route will be of benefit to your learners, this will be available from September 2023 with the first exams in May/June 2024.

Course planner and schemes of work for Modular International GCSE Economics

To help your planning we now have both a course planner and a scheme of work for the modular International GCSE in Economics.

November 2024 timetable

The International GCSE November series entry deadline is the 13th September 2024.


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May 2025 timetable

2025 May TT

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Other information

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a review of marking, you may wish to appeal against the decision. We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre’s senior management team or examinations manager) 30 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome of the review of marking, during which an appeal may be lodged

Appeals guidance

Applications for appeals may only be accepted from a head of centre (on behalf of a candidate or a group of candidates) or private candidates. 

This guide to ResultsPlus was created for Religious Studies teachers and it works across subjets.

Privacy and cookies
By viewing this third-party content from you agree to their terms and conditions, privacy notice and acknowledge they may use cookies and pixels for information and analytics gathering.

The Outstanding Pearson Learner Awards (OPLAs) recognise and celebrate the highest achieving learners at International GCSE and International A level.

App-based multi-factor authentication for all users of Edexcel Online was introduced in December, to protect your data and maintain the integrity of our assessments.

This replaced the existing web based multi-factor authentication, and became mandatory on 5 December. All users require access to a smart phone device to receive a verification code to access Edexcel Online.

Based on feedback received this graphic was created to answer some common questions.

MFA graphic

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Additional guidance on using app based MFA to access the Pearson Portal can be found in the Pearson Portal Authenticator support article.

Multi factor authentication was rolled out to nearly a quarter of a million Pearson Portal users last year. Although it has now become a standard way of accessing our systems, it can sometimes present challenges if a smart device is lost or replaced.

You can read more information, see a quick start guide and access FAQs and troubleshooting for our authenticator app in our Pearson Portal Authenticator support article.

There is a new support page for you to bookmark – General qualifications assessment support. Here we’ll share news information and updates from Ofqual, the Department for Education (DfE), the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Pearson, relating to the exams and assessments for our GCSE, AS and A level qualifications.

We’ll be updating it regularly so you know you’ve got all the latest announcements, news, support materials and updates to enable you to teach our qualifications, help your students with their assessments and post-results support, to enable them to progress.

If you teach any of our Business, Enterprise or Esports qualifications, you may wish to check out the monthly updates.


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