Pearson support for Traineeship Programmes
Traineeships are education and training programme designed to help young people who want to secure an apprenticeship or employment.
Simple, accessible, manageable
Traineeships are designed for 16 to 24 year olds, and up to age 25 for those with an education, health and care (EHC) plan who want to progress to an apprenticeship, paid employment or further study. They can also form part of the Study Progamme provision for 16 to 19 year olds leading on to further study or an apprenticeship.
The core content of a traineeships should consist of three elements:
- Work preparation training
- Work placement
- English, maths, ESOL or digital skills as necessary.
A flexible element can also be added to help the learner move into work or remove a barrier to them entering work. Traineeships can last from six weeks up to one year (although most will last for less than six months).
How to become a centre
To offer any of our academic, vocational or work-based qualifications, your organisation must be one of our approved ‘centres’. To start the process of becoming an approved Pearson centre, follow the relevant links below for further information or alternatively contact us and we’ll be in touch to discuss next steps.
Training providers and employers
How to become an approved centre
We aim to make the process of getting your learners approved for their Traineeship as quickly and simply as possible, contact your Pearson representative.
Contact information
Training providers and employers | email:
FE Colleges | email: