New digital processes for speaking submissions and listening exams | Pearson qualifications

New digital processes for speaking submissions and listening exams

16 March 2022
  1. All candidate speaking recordings and associated paperwork for languages qualifications will now need to be uploaded and submitted using our online Learner Work Transfer (LWT) portal.
  2. All audio files for live listening exams will now need to be downloaded via our Secure Download Service (SDS).
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1. New submissions process for languages speaking exams using LWT

To help with teacher-examiner workload, and to ensure our commitment to working more digitally, we have developed a new online way for centres to submit their candidate speaking recordings and associated documents to Pearson.

The new system is called the digital Learner Work Transfer (LWT) portal and is available to access through Edexcel Online. Audio files for GCSE, International GCSE, A level and International AS/A Level language speaking exams must be submitted via this portal. 

Learner Work Transfer for the summer 2022 series will be available for centres to access from 4 April 2022.

For International GCSE orals that are scheduled within the designated speaking window before 4 April 2022, candidate recordings and associated paperwork should therefore be stored securely in the centre (accessible only by exams officers and authorised staff) to be submitted as soon as possible once LWT is available. The usual 48-hour submissions window applied to all our MFL qualifications would therefore not apply this year to International GCSE orals conducted before 4 April 2022.

In subsequent series, LWT will be scheduled to be available to centres for all language qualifications at the start of the prescribed speaking window dates.

Postal submissions using USB or CDs will no longer be accepted. 

Please note that you should always keep a copy of your candidates’ recordings and paperwork. Should there be any issues with the recording or paperwork uploaded onto LWT, Pearson may request a copy of the candidates' work.

For detailed guidance and step-by-step instructions, please see the following resources:

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You can check the speaking window dates on our languages news page.

If you have followed the instructions provided above for LWT for the language qualification(s) that you teach but are still experiencing difficulties, please email or contact customer support.

Contact customer support

2. New process for downloading live listening audio via the SDS

All UK and International exam papers will be available to download on the Secure Download Service (SDS) for the May/June 2022 series onwards. This includes question papers, audio files and transcripts for listening exams.

As materials will be available to download from the SDS, we will no longer be supplying CDs for MFL listening exams.

For A level and International AS/AL listening exams, where students have individual listening devices, you should therefore plan ahead to make alternative arrangements using suitable digital devices.

Please see the JCQ’s instructions for the conduct of listening exams for guidance on the alternatives to CD players and the required procedures for setting up listening exams on laptops, tablets or other digital devices provided by the centre.

If you make a late entry, or have requirements to print onto coloured paper etc, you will be able to self-serve and download files before the exam via the SDS. Modified papers (where orders have been made) will also be available on this service.

To find out more about the SDS (if you do not already use this system) and how to set up an account, please read the support article:

Secure Download Service support article

If you have followed all of the instructions but are still experiencing difficulties, please contact


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