Art, Design and Media | Pearson qualifications

Art, Design and Media

Subject update | 17 June 2024

A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art June update

Welcome to the June update from your Subject Advisor

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With the final school term upon us, I hope you have a chance to reflect on the positive impact you have had on your learners this year. This month, our examinations and moderation finish and we begin to think about planning for the next school year.

This update focuses on these aspects, supporting you with finalising everything for the summer series in preparation for results days this August, as well as providing resources to help your curriculum planning and development for next school year. There are lots of training events coming up for the new school year and we are continuing to improve our support resources, so I will highlight these each month as they become available, including some recent developments linked in this update.

However, as we look towards results days and the new school year, please also remember to take time to pause and begin to unwind as the school break draws nearer.

For updates on the qualification(s) you deliver, please see the relevant sections below.

You can also sign up to get these Art, Design & Media updates straight to your inbox every month.

Sign up for Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor updates 


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 General Updates and Results Days


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Art and Design Network Event

Join us for Supporting SEND Students in Art and Design Wednesday 3 July 16:00-17:00.

In this online network event, we will discuss a range of ideas for supporting Art and Design students with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). The session will also address frequently asked questions in relation to course delivery and assessment for students with additional requirements.

Art and Design Network - Supporting SEND Students in Art and Design

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Exam Feedback

As we come towards the end of the exam series, we would like you to share your feedback on this year's papers.  We wish to provide students with the best possible experience, and your insights are crucial in helping us achieve this goal.

If you are a teacher whose students have taken any of our externally set assignments or exams in the May/June 2024 series, we  are eager to hear your thoughts.

Your feedback will play a vital role in shaping the future of our qualifications and assessments. Your input will be shared with our senior examiners and across our subject teams to help us continuously improve future assessments.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey


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Results Days


Date released to centre

Date released to student

A Level

14 August 2024

15 August 2024

GCSE, International GCSE

21 August 2024

22 August 2024


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To access our results services and secure materials, and you will need an Edexcel Online login (EOL) to access this. EOL accounts are managed by the centre Exams Officer / EOL Administrator. If, as a teacher, you need an EOL login please talk to your Exams Officer who will be able to get you set up. 

Please note that as an additional step for securing customer and learner data we have now introduced our new app-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users of Edexcel Online, replacing the email-based MFA. The app is now mandatory to access Edexcel Online via the Pearson Portal. If you've not done so already, you'll need to download the Pearson authenticator app to a smart device (such as a smart phone) to continue to access Edexcel online via the Pearson Portal.

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Post-Results Services

Post-Results Service


Reviews of marking and moderation (Service P2) 29 August 2024

Reviews of marking and moderation (Services 1, 2 and 3) 

26 September 2024

Access to Scripts (ATSPE and ATSO)

26 September 2024

Access to Scripts (ATSC) 13 December 2024

The document below provides full details on which services are available for each of our Edexcel components/units.


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Releasing Learner Work

JCQ guidelines require that 'live' work is kept secure until results day and review of marking and moderation (ROMM) dates have taken place, as well as any subsequent appeals if applicable.

This applies to both Component 1 and 2 of GCSE, International GCSE, and A Level Art and Design.

If work is taken out of secure conditions and a centre subsequently wishes to apply for a review of marking and moderation after results day, this could be compromised by loss of or damage to work that was in the sample. 

Once your centre has completed this process after results days and any requested reviews are finalised, you are free to release the students' work back to them. 

Access the JCQ Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments

Where work is stored in hard copy format, secure storage is defined as a securely locked cabinet or cupboard.

Where candidates are producing artefacts (e.g. Art & Design) secure storage may be defined as a classroom, studio or workshop which is locked or supervised from the end of one session to the start of the next

JCQ Instructions for Conducting Non-Examination Assessments page 9

Before the submission of work for formal assessment, centres must remind candidates to always keep their work secure and not to publicise their work such as posting it on social media. The JCQ document Information for candidates – social media must be brought to the attention of candidates.

Centres must also be aware of the need to authenticate candidates’ work as detailed in section 4.6. During the period from the submission of work for formal assessment until the deadline for requesting a review of results, copies of work may be used for other purposes, e.g. in a competition, provided that the originals are stored securely by the centre.

Where original work is used for moderation, as in Art & Design, a teacher must be present if, during this period:

  • assessed work is exhibited; 
  • a candidate takes assessed work to an interview; 
  • the work is removed from secure storage for any other reason.

JCQ Instructions for Conducting Non-Examination Assessments page 9

Internally assessed work that is not required for the moderation sample and work returned to centres after moderation must be stored securely until all possible post-results services have been exhausted. If post-results services have not been requested, internally assessed work may be returned to candidates after the deadline for requesting a review of results for the relevant series. If post-results services have been requested, internally assessed work may be returned once the review of results and any subsequent appeal has been completed.

JCQ Instructions for Conducting Non-Examination Assessments page 9

Because the artwork is considered 'live' until results day and review of moderation (if applicable) has taken place in the students' final year, it is important that the artwork is kept secure until these dates as per JCQ regulations.  

However, it is important to celebrate the students' work and you may hold an exhibition of artwork post-moderation. Many centres put up the artwork for moderation and then directly afterwards open this up to the public. 

Any centres holding such an exhibition must regard all the work as still being 'live' and ensure that the exhibition is invigilated and that work remains secure. If work is taken out of secure conditions and a centre subsequently wishes to apply for review of marking and moderation after results day, this process could be compromised by loss of or damage to work that was in the sample.  

The school must also consider how to reduce the risk of photographs of the exhibition appearing on social media accounts of visitors, as this would breach JCQ regulations.  



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 GCSE Art and Design Updates

With the assessment and moderation window finishing this month, you can use our support videos to help with these processes. You can also find further support and guidance under the drop-down menus below.

GCSE Art and Design - Selection of Work

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Understanding the Moderation Process

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Setting up your department for moderation

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Date GCSE Art and Design
31 May 2024* Digital submission deadline (international centres only)
48 hours prior to moderation visit Marks due 48 hours before visiting moderation date as agreed with allocated moderator
22 August 2024 GCSE Results Day
26 September 2024 Review of moderation (Service 3) deadline

*Please note, digital submission is available to international centres only

As GCSE Art and Design assessment and moderation continues, here are a few reminders to help centres with these processes.

For visiting moderation, marks are due 48 hours prior to the agreed moderation visit date on Edexcel Online for all learners.

For international centres using digital submission, marks for all candidates as well as the portfolios and paperwork for sampled learners were uploaded to Learner Work Transfer by 31 May 2024.


Administrative Support Guide

This guide outlines key information for visiting moderation as well as other administrative details.

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Assessment Grid 

One grid must be completed for each candidate, which records the marks for both components.

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Authentication Form

This form must be signed by each candidate and the teacher. You may use one form per learner if you write both Component 1 and 2 in the relevant field.

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GCSE Art and Design Taxonomy

This assessment resource is helpful to include for each candidate, if possible, to assist the moderator with understanding your assessment decisions.

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Exemplar Gallery

Remember to use the Exemplar Materials alongside the assessment paperwork to internally assess and standardise.

View the GCSE Art and Design Exemplar Gallery 

Bitesize Videos

Remember to use the Exemplar Materials alongside the assessment paperwork to internally assess and standardise.

Watch the GCSE Art and Design bitesize video playlist 

To submit coursework marks through Edexcel Online, please follow the steps in the Administrative Support Guide linked in the 'Preparing for Assessment and Moderation' section above.

We have also created a helpful video to guide you through this process.

Entering coursework marks for learners on Edexcel Online

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Check out our Exemplar Gallery, a gallery view of our student exemplars organised by performance level and component. Designed with teachers and access in mind, it is a great way to assess and standardise internally.

This visual library was updated in April 2024 with additional exemplars to support your internal assessment and standardisation.

GCSE Exemplar Gallery artwork

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 International GCSE Art and Design Updates

Now that the submission deadline has passed, we can prepare for the next school year and live virtual training is now available to book. You can also find further support and guidance under the drop-down menus below.

Date International GCSE Art and Design
31 May 2024 Digital submission deadline for external assessment
22 August 2024 International GCSE Results Day
26 September 2024 Review of marking (Services 1 and 2) deadline
International GCSE Art and Design YouTube playlist

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International GCSE Art and Design Module 1 Training

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International GCSE Art and Design Module 2 Training

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Check out our Exemplar Gallery, a gallery view of our student exemplars organised by performance band and component. Designed with teachers and access in mind, it is a great way to gauge student performance and standardise internally. 

This visual library was updated in April 2024 with additional exemplars to support your internal assessment and standardisation.

International GCSE Art and Design (2017) Exemplar Gallery

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 A Level Art and Design Updates

With the assessment and moderation window finishing this month, you can use our support videos to help with these processes. You can also find further support and guidance under the drop-down menus below.

A Level Art and Design YouTube playlist

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Understanding the Moderation Process

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Setting up your department for moderation

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Date A Level Art and Design
31 May 2024* Digital submission deadline (international centres only)
48 hours prior to moderation visit Marks due 48 hours before visiting moderation date as agreed with allocated moderator
15 August 2024 A Level Results Day
26 September 2024 Review of moderation (Service 3) deadline

*Please note, digital submission is available to international centres only

As GCSE Art and Design assessment and moderation continues, here are a few reminders to help centres with these processes.

For visiting moderation, marks are due 48 hours prior to the agreed moderation visit date on Edexcel Online for all learners.

For international centres using digital submission, marks for all candidates as well as the portfolios and paperwork for sampled learners were uploaded to Learner Work Transfer by 31 May 2024.


Administrative Support Guide

This guide outlines key information for visiting moderation as well as other administrative details.

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Assessment Grid 

One grid must be completed for each candidate, which records the marks for both components.

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Authentication Form

This form must be signed by each candidate and the teacher. You may use one form per learner if you write both Component 1 and 2 in the relevant field.

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Performance Calculators

This assessment resource is helpful to include for each candidate, if possible, to assist the moderator with understanding your assessment decisions.

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Exemplar Gallery

Remember to use the Exemplar Materials alongside the assessment paperwork to internally assess and standardise.

View the A Level Art and Design Exemplar Gallery 

Bitesize Videos

Remember to use the Exemplar Materials alongside the assessment paperwork to internally assess and standardise.

Watch the A Level Art and Design bitesize video playlist 

To submit coursework marks through Edexcel Online, please follow the steps in the Administrative Support Guide linked in the 'Preparing for Assessment and Moderation' section above.

We have also created a helpful video to guide you through this process.

Entering coursework marks for learners on Edexcel Online

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Check out our Exemplar Gallery, a gallery view of our student exemplars organised by performance level and component. Designed with teachers and access in mind, it is a great way to assess and standardise internally.

This visual library was updated in May 2024 with additional exemplars to support your internal assessment and standardisation.

A Level Exemplar Gallery artwork

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 A Level History of Art Updates

Now that the A Level History of Art exams have finished, I want to congragulate you and your students for all your hard work and support this year.

As you look to planning for next school year, the resources below can help, though make sure to give yourself a well-deserved break as well.

Well done to students

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Date A Level History of Art
15 August 2024 A Level Results Day
26 September 2024 Review of marking (Services 1 and 2) deadline

Access to Scripts post-review of marking (ATSPE) and original (ATSO) deadline
13 December 2024 Access to Scripts photocopy (ATSC) deadline

Past question papers and mark schemes are offered free of charge on our website with ‘restricted access’ to teachers at Edexcel exam centres for 12 months after an exams series and then ‘open access’ to all users thereafter.

Teachers and exams officers at Pearson Edexcel centres require an Edexcel Online login to access assessment materials during the 12-month restricted access period. Access to Edexcel Online is managed by exams officers in each Pearson Edexcel centre.

Question papers and mark schemes are released with restricted access as follows for the summer series:

  • Question Paper: 7-8 weeks before results day
  • Mark Scheme: 4-5 weeks before results day

Past question papers, mark schemes and examiner reports are normally kept under restricted access to teachers with Edexcel Online access for 12 months. This is to allow centres to use these materials as unfamiliar mock assessments or practice resources with their students. 

These are some resources on the qualification course materials pages to support you with planning and delivery.

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Check our our support videos to help you with delivering various aspects of the specification.

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Careers in Art History

Working with Museum and Gallery Collections

Sat, 13 Jul 2024 11:00 - 12:30 BST

A morning of careers advice from art history professionals working with art collections

Book the free Art History careers webinar 

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Join the Association for Art History’s free webinar offering an overview of museum and gallery, collections-based careers involving expert knowledge of artworks, research and display, interpretation and learning, care of objects and exhibition management.

Learn from museum and gallery professionals about careers including curating, exhibition management, museum learning and conservation.

Invited speakers will give information and advice aimed at students thinking about pursuing careers in this sector.

Association for Art History

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 Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic creative experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, below is a range of external resources invaluable to your wider curriculum development.


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Sky Arts ‘Access All Arts’ Week

Access All Arts week is a nationwide, week-long celebration of the arts, specially designed for primary schools. Between 17 – 21 June 2024 you’ll be able to take your pupils on a creative adventure with a whole host of brand-new arts resources.

View the free Sky Arts resources


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Art UK Learning Resources

Teach, learn, create and connect... Discover free resources to support teaching across the primary and secondary curriculum or find inspiration for self-directed learning.

View the free Art UK learning resources 


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Teaching Film Series

Into Film, the UK's leading charity for film in education, have launched their Teaching Film series, a collection of bitesize courses focused on short film production. The course has been designed specifically for educators delivering film qualifications to young people aged 14-19.

Visit the Into Film website to enrol


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Art History Now - Curated Contributions

In celebration of the Association for Art History's 50th anniversary, art history advocates reflect on the reasons why art history matters in the world and what art history means to them, including award-winning artists, Sonya Boyce, Antony Gormley, Grayson Perry and Cornelia Parker, amongst many others.

Read the Art History Now soundbites from advocates


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Art History Now - 50 Careers Videos

In celebration of the Association for Art History's 50th anniversary, they have launched 50 videos highlighting career pathways, both within and outside of the art field, followed by a diverse and intriguing range of art history graduates. 

The first 20 of these include everything from a provenance researcher, auction specialist and art crime writer to a TV producer, perfumer and funeral director. Subscribe to the AAH YouTube channel to be the first to see when more of these are released.

Watch the Art History Now careers videos


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Black Histories in the Classroom

Black Histories in the Classroom offers new and exciting ways for your students to engage with Tate’s collection. Devised to increase teacher confidence in discussing race and cultural differences in the classroom, each resource is co-created with teacher experts, and rooted in anti-racist practice. This resource explores heritage and belonging through Zohra Opoku's artwork.

View the free Black Histories in the Classroom resource


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NSEAD The Big Landscape

A new resource that maps the breadth and scope of art, craft and design education, drawing together important research, essential definitions and examples of good practice to support teaching and learning in your centre.

Find out more about The Big Landscape


Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 


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