Art, Design and Media | Pearson qualifications

Art, Design and Media

Subject update | 20 July 2023

Getting Ready for Results Day

Welcome to the Getting Ready for Results Day update for Art, Design and Media

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This summer saw a return to full non-exam assessment and examination requirements for the first time since 2019 and we fully appreciate the hard work, which students have put into their studies and revision. On behalf of the Pearson Art, Design and Media team, we want to thank everyone in schools and colleges for your dedication in supporting students and helping to make sure they achieve the grades they deserve.

Thank you

We wish you and your students a well-deserved break over the summer, and the best of luck on results day.

This update provides access to key information and guidance for the Summer 2023 results period for BTEC, A Level and GCSE Art, Design and Media qualifications.

In order to prepare you for results day, this update includes:


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Multi-factor Authentication for Edexcel Online

On 19 June 2023  we wrote to all registered Edexcel Online account holders, advising that we had introduced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as an additional layer of security to help protect your centre and learner data. While a lot of users have now accessed Edexcel Online (EOL) and successfully gone through the MFA process, we are aware that other roles may not use EOL and other related systems on a regular basis, and the next time to try and log in is on a learner results day.


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To make your results days as easy as possible, if you are a user that will need to access any of the following systems during the summer results period, please log into these now to check you can access them successfully. We are here to help you between now and the results period should you need us:

  • Edexcel Online (EOL)
  • ResultsPlus
  • MyBTEC
  • Exam Viewer

Read the article Accessing Pearson Services Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

View trouble shooting steps


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Results Dates


Date released to centre

Date released to student

BTEC Level 3 Nationals 

16 August 2023

17 August 2023

A Level

16 August 2023 

17 August 2023

BTEC Level 1/2 Firsts, Tech Award (2017)

16 August 2023

24 August 2023 

GCSE, International GCSE,  BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award (2022)*

23 August 2023

24 August 2023

*BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award (2022) will have internally assessed unit results from Summer 2023 series published on August results' days. First external assessment and certification on these programmes will be in Summer 2024. 


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Results Documents

The results documents available for Exams Officers to download in Edexcel Online are:

  • Broadsheets (CSV/PDF) - shows all summer results
  • Component mark list (CSV/PDF) - shows the paper marks, paper weighting, overall marks and grades awarded to candidates by subject (linear qualifications) or unit (modular qualifications). 
  • Contributing units report (CSV/PDF) - shows how individual units have contributed to cash-in grades for modular qualifications.
  • Candidate statement of provisional results (CSPRs) - (PDF) - a statement of results per candidate which includes overall grades, and contributing units for modular subjects.

Read instructions on obtaining results documents


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Grade Boundaries

You can access Summer 2023 grade boundaries on our website from results day. In addition to the official grade boundaries that are produced at subject level, we will also be providing notional grade boundaries at paper level. These can help you mark and assess future mocks

View grade boundaries

Read the guidance on how grade boundaries are set



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Availability of Summer 2023 Question Papers, Mark Schemes, Examiner Reports

Exam materials from the Summer 2023 exam series will be made available on our website via secure download using your Edexcel Online login on the following dates:

Assessment materials Date of availability on website
Question Papers Tuesday 4 July
Mark Schemes Tuesday 25 July
GCE Examiner Reports Tuesday 22 August (available on ResultsPlus from Results Day)
GCSE Examiner Reports Tuesday 29 August (available on ResultsPlus from Results Day)

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Moderator Reports

From results day you can download centre-specific moderator feedback for your non-examination assessments (NEA):

  • Log in to Edexcel Online. If you've forgotten your password you can generate a reminder by selecting 'forgot password'
  • Click on ‘home’
  • Select the qualification from the qualification drop down on the left
  • Select ‘June 2023’ from the ‘Select a Session’ dropdown.
  • Select the correct component from the subject dropdown and ‘Moderator Report’ will self-select
  • Click ‘submit’
  • Your moderator report will appear in your Edexcel Online mailbox within 30 minutes

You must have 'Results' selected in your Edexcel Online profile to download your centre's moderator report. Please ask your Exams Officer if you need this added to your Edexcel Online profile.

Watch how to download your coursework moderator report
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Access to Scripts

For qualifications with an exam, you can use our free Access to Scripts service to view your candidates’ marked exam scripts online or download as a PDF. It is available from results day until 15 December 2023.

Providing a rich source of information, you can use this service to help make decisions about requesting a review of marking, but it can also help inform future teaching and learning and gives insights and visibility that performance data alone cannot provide. 

If scripts have been marked ‘traditionally’ (ie. not online), you will need to request them, free of charge, by 15 December 2023, via the Post Results section of Edexcel Online as in previous exam series. 

Please note, you will need 'Exam viewer' in your Edexcel Online profile if you want to download candidate scripts from results day. Please ask your Exams Officer if you need this adding to your profile.

Discover more about Access to Scripts, along with FAQs and a step-by-step User Guide.

View our Access to Scripts guide

See how teachers have been using Access to Scripts

"An excellent service, we have used it to inform our teaching"

Pearson is the only awarding organisation to provide access to your students’ marked exam papers included as part of your qualification fees.

Take a look at the Access to Scripts case studies to see how a number of schools and colleges have been using this service to evaluate how their students performed in the exams, identify skills gaps, help tailor future teaching plans and to develop staff CPD.

Read the Access to Scripts case studies

Please note, candidate consent is required before requesting script copies, as per section 4.2 of the JCQ's Post-results services guide. Candidate consent can only be obtained after results have been published.

Read the JCQ post-result service guide

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Post-results Support Services

If you are not happy with your students' results this summer, you should take the following steps:

  • View the grade boundaries, question papers, mark schemes and examiner reports for the paper/qualification concerned.
  • View your students’ scripts using our free access to scripts service.
  • Log in to ResultsPlus to see how your students have performed on every question and compare their performance to the national average.
  • If you are still unhappy with your students' results, you may apply for a review of marking via our post-results services. 

Full details of all our post-results services are available on our website.

Access teacher post-results support

Find fees for post-results services

Find key dates for post-results services

The deadline for requesting a review of marking and moderation (RoMM) is 28 September 2023.

How to apply for post-results services

Please speak to your Exams Officer if you wish to proceed with a review of marking. All applications for reviews of marking must be submitted through Edexcel Online.

Exams officers should contact their Centre Account Specialist on 0344 463 2535 if they require guidance or watch our post results video. 

Edexcel's Post Results Services
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Post-results support for students

We have a dedicated web page for student post-results support. Please forward this link to your students where they can find information on the services for students.

Access student post-results support

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If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of a review of marking or moderation (RoMM), you may wish to appeal against the decision. We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre's senior management team or examination manager) 30 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a RoMM decision. 

Find out more about appeals and guidance

Applications for appeals may only be accepted from a head of centre (on behalf of a candidate or a group of candidates) or private candidates. See the JCQ appeals booklet pages 46-47.

JCQ guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes

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Releasing Learner Work

A Level and GCSE

JCQ guidelines  require that 'live' work is kept secure until results day and review of marking and moderation (RoMM) dates have taken place.

If work is taken out of secure conditions and a centre subsequently wishes to apply for a review of marking and moderation after results day, this could be compromised by loss of or damage to work that was in the sample. 

Access the JCQ Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments

'When can marked work be removed from secure storage?

Internally assessed work that is not required for the moderation sample and work returned to centres after moderation must be stored securely until all possible post-results services have been exhausted. If post-results services have not been requested, internally assessed work may be returned to candidates after the deadline for requesting a review of results for the relevant series. If post-results services have been requested, internally assessed work may be returned once the review of results and any subsequent appeal has been completed.'


Original learner evidence must be kept current, safe, and secure for 12 weeks after learners have been certificated.

Please note that the 12 weeks starts once the certificates have been received by the centre.

Due to the nature of the evidence produced for Art & Design practical work, this can be good quality photos or videos rather than the original evidence.

Find out more about Retention of Learner Work/Evidence


Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me using the contact details below. 


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