BTEC Home Cooking Skills | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Home Cooking Skills

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Jamie Olivers Home Cooking Competition 2015

Qualification news | 17 June 2015

September 2018 update: Although our partnership with the Jamie Oliver Foundation has ended, we are pleased to announce that our Home Cooking Skills qualification has been extended until August 2020. There have been no changes to the qualification and its content, and you will find that our website page has been updated to reflect this change, with all new resources and support material.

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We launched Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills Competition 2015 back in February and since then we've received a huge number of entries from across the UK.

Entrants were asked to design, plan and cook a meal for a specific scenario from these three options:

  • Cater for a dinner party for friends and/or family, by preparing traditional dishes from a cuisine of your choice.
  • Run a food stall at a school fete.
  • Take over the running of the school canteen and serve lunch to the whole school.

The meal had to include at least two dishes or courses and include details of a drink to accompany the food.

Jamie has selected his winners and runners-up for both the individual and group entry. The winners received a meal for five people at their closest Jamie’s Italian restaurant, as well as a personalised signed book. The winning entries will also be posted on Jamie Oliver’s blog.

Watch the videos below to find out who won and who the runners-up were in this competition.

Meet the winners

Individual winner

Individual winners
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Group winner

Group winner
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Individual runner-up

Individual Runner Up
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Group runner-up

Group Runner Up
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