BTEC Higher Nationals Manufacturing Operations (2019) - RQF

Pearson and BMW Group develop a new BTEC Higher National
In 2018, representatives from Pearson’s Higher Education Qualifications team worked in collaboration with BMW to develop a new BTEC Higher National Certificate (HNC) in Manufacturing Operations. The qualification has been designed not only to support the role of Process Leader and supports in delivering some of the technical knowledge content of the Process Leader Apprenticeship Standard, but also to provide a Level 4 qualification for engineering students who wish to focus on manufacturing. Students will then have the opportunity to progress to the BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) at level 5.

Pearson has a strong track record in bringing employers and education together to equip tomorrow’s workforce with the skills they need to succeed. This relationship between Pearson and BMW commenced in 2016 with the design and development of a similar manufacturing operations BTEC Higher National qualification. Due to the success of this qualification, a trusted partnership between Pearson and BMW was formed, and work continued in 2018 to develop the new qualification, which is now ready for first teaching in January 2019.
The development of this qualification has been truly collaborative. BMW has been involved in each stage of the process, from inception to identifying key unit content, resulting in a qualification which not only meets the specific needs of BMW and Rolls Royce, but also a range of other organisations in the sector. Pearson will be responsible for accreditation, verification and the issue of certificates.
The BTEC HNC in Manufacturing Operations can also be used by organisations with high volume manufacturing or advanced manufacturing processes, in which large volumes of products are made in assembly, moulding, metal processing, chemical processing, pharmaceutical, textiles, food and drink or similar processes.
The qualification is also suitable for organisations with engineering operations or manufacturing processes in which products are made in a bespoke or workshop type environment. This means that even though this qualification was developed in partnership with an automotive partner like BMW, the BTEC Higher National Certificate in Manufacturing Operations is not limited to a specific manufacturing sector.
Manufacturing organisations can work alongside experienced further education colleges and universities to deliver a qualification which will improve levels of knowledge and confidence of employees, and provide them with specific skills in the sector.
This is a great example of industry, providers and an awarding body working closely together to design a qualification which effectively meets an identified skills shortage within an industry sector. It is also a good example of how Pearson is involved in employer engagement, providing solutions that bridge the gap between education and training and the expectations of the employer.
If you'd like to know more about designing a qualification to meet your company or industry needs, contact us at